Is captured
By someone wanting more.
When the moment isn't enough,
The moment's too good.
Of the good times that once were
And will never be again.
Moments that will soon become a memory.
They'll fade,
In and out.
Into nothing
As vignetted impressions.
Leaving you speechless
From the forgotten days.
With only a photograph,
To remind you of the flecked past,
Fuzzy in your mind.These polaroids
You hold
Encapsulate time
Frame instances.
A fragment of reality,
A piece of what once was
And will never be again.
My Human Experience
PoetryA collection of poetry pieces I've written over the years. I've decided to share some here in case they tickle anyone's interests. Doesn't need to be read in a specific order ~ Mental illness isn't pretty or aesthetic, but writing it out and reading...