Take My Hand

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You were working at your office making copies for your boss. You had a folder in hand and double checked you had the right documents when a knock on the window scared the life out of you and made you jump in your shoes. Because it was the third floor, your first thought was it being a bird that pecked the glass or a bug that crashed into it. Except it wasn't a bug or a bird when you looked up.

It was Hawks.

He was flapping his wings like an angel beyond the glass that separated the two of you. His fist was resting on the glass, which let you know it was definitely him who knocked. You were shocked to see him at the third floor but who else but Hawks would visit you at work on the third floor. Did I mention it was the third floor?

He smiled at you and nodded towards the outdoor resting area. Before you could shake your head no because of work, he flapped his wings and was already heading over. Excitement bubbled within you and you left your file at the printer and hurried to catch up. A few coworkers looked at you with questioning looks, and who could blame them? They had never seen you so excited and running somewhere.

You ran to the balcony and slammed open the door with a loud thud. You saw Hawks sitting on a picnic table with his feet tapping on the seat. His eyes landed on you and a soft smile spread on his face.

"Hey, Babybird, took your sweet time didn't you?" He teased and jumped off the table to hug you.

"You're lucky I didn't walk," you said as you tried to catch your breath.

"Well, lucky for you, we won't be walking," he said and hopped onto the picnic table. He reached down to with a hand offering to take yours.

"You're on a mandatory break with Pro Hero Hawks. I'm taking you out, Songbird," he briefly explained.

He smiled patiently at you but it slowly started to fade when he saw you hesitating. In your peripheral, you could see his wings droop the slightest. And you would've easily taken his hand but given the current situation... You were at work and wouldn't be off for another three hours. You had to take responsibility, and flying off with Hawks was ignoring the bills you had to pay ,and the rage from your boss when he finds out you left without notice. That is, if you left work.

Hawk kneeled on the table and said softly, "Take my hand."

The look on his face was enough to make you forget about your worries. You trusted this man with your whole life and wouldn't spend it without him. So when he looked at you with a face that pleaded to spend some time with you, you just couldn't say no.

You took his hand in your and his smile returned to his face. His wings raised to the sky as he got to his feet and pulled you up in his embrace. He kisses your forehead and without another word, flapped his wings and you were in the air.

You felt the cold air wrapping around your body with each flap of Hawks' wings. He looked down at you briefly to kiss the top of his head and continued flying. He hummed under his breath as he held you close in the sky.

Take my hand
Close your eyes
With you right here
I'm a rocketeer
Let's, fly~

You smiled at how comfortable he was singing to you without realizing he was.


Alternative Ending
"Take my hand," he said as he reached out to you.

You reached for his hand when a mischievous smirk crawled on his face. In a low voice he quoted, "'Won't you take a poor, sinner's hand?'"

You smacked his hand away and gave him a scolding look, hoping that he wouldn't notice the smile you tried to fight back.

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