ABCs w/Hawks

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Requested by @FatedWindow
(Check out their Hawks oneshots!)

Hawks loves to give you affection in any way possible. In any love language he wanted to express how he felt for you and make you feel comfortable with him.

The very first nickname he thought of for you. It was the first sign of how great your relationship with Hawks was going at the time. The first time you heard it, you felt chills run down your spine and butterflies in your stomach.

Hawks cuddles you for many reasons, whether for comfort or just because, to make up for time lost when he went out to work.  Cuddling up to you became a natural moment when relaxing with him and wouldn't be normal without it. You enjoyed how warm and safe he was, and he enjoyed the same from you. You were his comfort pillow, so to speak.

Hawks didn't mind the domestics in a relationship one bit. In fact, he often did the cooking and cleaning, because you were usually the one who did it as he worked himself to the bone. He didn't mind cleaning up after you when you had "those" days, and he actually preferred that over making you feel like you had to cook and clean.

Ending your relationship with him would never cross his mind, but the fear that you would leave him often did. He feared you would leave him for all the things he had done or because of how busy he is. The anxiety that builds up within him at the endless possibilities of you breaking up with him. He hated the thought of him thinking of a reason to break up with you, as he believed you were the one person meant to be with him.

The newest nickname Hawks came up for you following your fascination for his feathers, and his first real gift to you.

Hawks was a gentle lover to you, but was most gentle when feeling with your scars(mental and physical) and your insecurities. He always spoke to you in a soft voice and never raised his voice at your moments of weakness. When you were feeling down about your own insecurities, he would take his time appreciating them and telling you why you should do the same.

To the public, Hawks was the Winged Hero. To you, he was a man who just-so-happened to have wings that loved you and spent his life with you. Hawks was funny, gentle, kind, loving, teasing, flirty, attractive, understanding, confident, etc etc... he was so many things that made you feel unlike any other. He was a precious being in your life that couldn't be replaced. Hawks made you feel safe and comfortable—Hawks was home.

I=I Love You
Hawks tried to remind you of these words as often as he could without overdoing it. He was a busy man, so hearing those words were a perfect reminder of his love for you. He would choose the perfect time to say them, whether through a sleepy whisper or a quick confession before leaving for work.

Jealousy was not something you often saw in Hawks, except for the adorable moments, when you favored his wings over him. The first and, perhaps, last time you saw Hawks get jealous was when you were fresh into the relationship and he thought you were "talking up" someone at a bar that turned out to be a distant cousin. That was the moment when communication became the most important piece of your relationship.

Hawks was great with kids and he once spoke to you about adoption, but that was disregarded when he thought about how busy he was. Perhaps children were for a further future, when he wasn't working himself and you were ready.

You and Hawks were in love, simple as that. You adored each other and appreciated each others' lives intertwining. To imagine the absence of the other in a different lifetime was impossible. It was a desperate of needing the other to live, but wanting the other to stay by each others' side.

Marriage was never a conversation that occurred between the two of you. The relationship shared between you two was already marriage material enough, so there was no need to "finalize" it. It was like an unspoken, mutual agreement that you both didn't need marriage to confirm your love for each other, and should that change is when you will have that conversation.

At first, the nicknames were a way to tease you and get reactions out of you. As you got used to them, he had gotten too used to them that when he referred to you in conversations, they would slip out. People often believed he was meeting others behind your back because of the numerous nicknames, of course, all you did was laugh when confronted about it.

O=One & Only
Perhaps it's his "bird genes" but he genuinely thought you were meant for him. Of course, not in an over-possessive way. He thought you were his perfect match and someone he was waiting for his whole life. He dedicated all his romantics to you and only you.

Hawks had made several promises to you during your relationship. Some were made while he was drunk, but he would repeat them when he was sobered up to make sure you took him seriously. The most important promise he made, the one where all the other promises branch off of, was: "I will be your best friend and last lover."

Like any other couple, you and Hawks had your moments when you didn't see eye to eye. With each fight that passed and the more time you spent together, you both learned that it was okay to fight. The two of you found that the aftermath of a fight brought you closer and gain an understanding of who you spent your life with. And you wouldn't have it any other way.

His favorite moment to recall at even the most random moments was your first meeting. He thought he had met someone attractive, sure, but he distinctively remembers how something in him told him to talk to you. How a brief feeling within him urged him to talk to you and introduce himself led to getting to know you. It was that feeling that changed his life forever.

The nickname Hawks made for you after hearing the wonderful vocal range you had displayed throughout your relationship. This isn't to say everything he heard sounded beautiful, but surprising to say the least. Not like he meant it in any other way...

Hawks trusted you with all his heart. He wasn't a man who grew jealous at the thought of another person touching you the way he does to you. In fact, he left that kind of situation to you, unless it got too dangerous, of course. Communication was a big part of your relationship, so trust was never an issue.

Because communication was the the main component of your relationship, understandings were made. You understood that Hawks enjoyed working and it was what motivated him in life, even if it took over his being. He understood, that you had your own life, and sometimes his schedule that had rare moments of freedom didn't meet yours all the time. The first understanding made with each other was trust, one of the most important in your relationship.

Hawks wasn't sure he was completely clear with you, so he made it his job as your significant other to reassure your value in his eyes. Never has your "value" gone down, even when you had your worst days. He loved you no matter your insecurities, and honestly, he hated that you disliked your own insecurities. He wanted you to value yourself like he did to you. You are a valuable person in his life and one of the most important.

This could mean from the act of hugging you to keep you from the cold, or the warmth of his words as they assured you at your toughest times. He was the light in your life as you were in his.

X=X's & O's
Hawks loves to kiss and hug you. He loved the way you felt on his body whether your lips or your arms. He loves how with each kiss you melted in his embrace or how you would smile into his lips. He wouldn't be honest if he said he hadn't thought of your lips or your hugs, at least once a day.

Hawks absolutely adores you and he doesn't fail to remind you when he gets the chance. He loves the way you make him feel and how comfortable he can be with you.

Hawks was a passionate man about his love for you. He made sure to appreciate you in all ways possible and the relationship you have together. Your anniversary with him was always kept open and, so far, has never been interrupted. If he were to miss any holiday with you, he would make it up best he could in a way that meant a lot to you.

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