A True Friend

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Requested by @Shortyyy05

You were beginning to notice a pattern amongst your friends. It was strange how they had all began the pattern around the same time. Almost strange enough to no longer be considered a coincidence.

It started when your friends would apologize for not accepting your invite to go out some time. They would claim they were busy and, sure, you were fine with that. Life got in the way sometimes, and you understood that. What you didn't understand was when you saw a few of your "busy" friends out and about having a blast altogether. Without you, you might add. It was fine, at first, and you thought they must have bumped into each other after they busy schedules. You gave them the benefit of the doubt and let it slide without saying anything.

The next time the same thing happened, you "bumped" into them claiming a pure coincidencec and you saw how fast the mood changed upon your entrance. They said how strange to meet you there and had a nice chat when you asked to join them. Like an unspoken exchange, they claimed they were just about to head home. Again, you gave the benefit of the doubt and accepted it. Maybe you were too late that time and missed the fun.

This kind of situation occurred a few more times. Including their excuses of being busy, except they were getting sloppy as time went on. Their excuses became less believable and they were being obvious about leaving you out of it all. So you confronted them.

And it didn't go well.

"All you ever do is talk about your boyfriend."

You couldn't believe what they said to you.

"Yeah, it gets annoying at this point. Don't you have other people to talk about?"

The audacity they had to say that. "You guys are the other people, how can I talk about other people when all you guys do is avoid me?" You countered, and tried to hold your feelings back within your clenched fists.

"We can only tolerate so much of your boyfriend talk. Don't blame us for your obsession."

You didn't know what else to say.

"Look, we gotta go. Maybe text us when you're over him?"

"You're just going to ditch me? All because I talk about someone I really care about?" You asked but they all laughed as they walked away. To say you were hurt was not enough. You felt betrayed and ashamed. Did you really bother them that much? Were you that annoying that they couldn't handle it anymore?

Then it dawned on you. Were you annoying to Hawks too?

You walked home feeling horrible and your thoughts were continuing to drag you further down. What would Hawks think? Would he think you were obsessed about him too? Would he agree about how annoying you were? Would he leave you alone like they did?

You opened the door to see Hawks leaning on the counter scrolling through his phone. He looked up to greet you and returned to his phone but did a double take. He immediately set down your phone and rushed to you. He wiped tears you hadn't realized were spilled down your cheeks.

"What happened? I thought you were meeting friends?" He dried your cheeks with his thumb and guided you deeper into the house to sit you down at the table.

You explained your confrontation with your friends, and hesitated when it got to the part where they thought you were annoying, but you spilled anyways. You poured your heart out to Hawks telling him how you felt and even asking if he thought you were annoying as they say.

As you spoke, Hawks watched you attentively as if he was hanging on to every word you spoke. His hands stroked your cheek and moved down to your upper arms. He gave reassuring squeezes to remind you that he was listening and rubbed them when you couldn't find the words.

It felt good to let it out, and you honestly felt better speaking it aloud, but that didn't hide the shame you felt for being so annoying.

"Is that what happened...? I think it's time you get new friends. I can introduce some good people to you, if you'd like?" He offered and pulled you into his arms carefully. As if he thought you weren't ready for his hug, but you accepted it and melted into his embrace. "Just so you know... I would never think you were annoying. If anything, I love it when you talk about something you like or passionate about. I love that I am one of those things you are passionate about..."

Then he pulled away and pulled a cocky grin as he said in a teasing voice, "I mean... what's there not to like about me?"

A smile crept onto you face beyond your upset expression and he smiled in return. He cupped your cheeks in his hands and looked you in the eyes.

"Jokes aside, I would never leave your side. I'll be your closest friend, you don't need assholes like them. I'll be your best friend and lover, all in one bird package," he said and you giggled at the small joke he snuck into his serious promise.

"Trust me, Babybird. I'll always be by your side, even when you think I'm not. You deserve better than those 'friends' and I mean it," he added and kissed your forehead. "I love you. Don't let them get to you."

You nodded and hugged him thanks. You felt his hand on the back of your head, and hold you close to him. He kissed the top of your head and whispered, "I'll be the best damned friend you've ever had."

You smiled against his shirt at his goofy remark.

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