Piles & Piles

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Requested by @Shortyyy05

Everyday the piles grew taller and taller. Why didn't anyone warn you about the amount of paperwork that went into being a hero? No amount of school could have prepared you for this future in hero work. You couldn't believe the audacity of the pro heroes to not share this information which made you annoyed.

But annoyed wasn't the only feeling you had that evening. No no, you were stressed. Absolutely stressed. You had paperwork due on separate days that all took specific amounts of time to which you had to organize your time before you could even start. Some papers were due the next week but they were short and sweet, while others could be hours and due the same day as the shorter ones or due soon. Hell, you weren't even sure you had it right. You started working at eight in the morning and now it was six in the evening. You wondered where did the time go and what were you even doing in that amount of time. Then you remembered you were busy organizing the paperwork while filling some in along the way.

You had your calendar and planner whipped out as if that would help, then you remembered you had a meeting with the staff at the hero office you worked at. You had to check your phone for the date and time and add that to your flimsy calendar and damned planner. You even added it to your phone's calendar and reminders in case you forget to check the ones before you.

At this point, as you stared at the piles of papers on the table that was once meant for eating, you wanted to do unspeakable things to the objects around you and pull at your skin or hair or anything. You just wanted it all to stop being so loud yet so quiet at the same time.

Then you remembered one paper was meant to be turned in tomorrow, and you hurried to find the damned thing. You flicked through the folders and piles and paperclips and packets until you found it. Seeing how empty it the paper was, it turned out to be the last straw. You felt tears prickle the corners of your eyes and your head fell to the table. Your shoulders shook with each breath and you closed your eyes to just let it happen.

"I'm home, Songbird, did you miss me?" You heard Hawks tease when the door opened and the excited scuffle of his shoes being thrown off. You didn't have the energy or mental strength to wipe your tears and give him a big smile. You didn't get up to meet him halfway like you usually do. You sat there at the table in defeat.

"Babybird?" You heard him again, but this time his tone was worried. You heard his footsteps hurry towards you then pause making you guess he saw the state you're in.

He pulled out a chair and pat your back which made you cry even more. "Is this for your company?" He asked and you heard the shuffle of papers.

You nodded against the table to which Hawks couldn't help but chuckle. "How long have you been like this?" He asked referring to your forehead resting on the table slowly gaining an indent.

You nodded and sniffled as you caught your breath. "Have you taken your breaks?" He asked.

You nodded again.

Hawks hummed then got up. You heard the clinking in the kitchen and the sound of water boiling in a kettle. He soon returned and you heard two objects being set at the table.

You looked up, tears still falling down your cheeks and forehead red from resting on the table, and saw two mugs with steam rising from them. You looked at him to see him raising a brow.

The mug had your favorite hot drink and you gladly accepted it. You took a careful sip as Hawks scoot his chair closer and rest his head on your shoulder.

"You can do this... you'll get through it. Just take your time and don't rush. You'll finish on time and when you're done you'll feel so much better. I'll be by your side the entire way, as I always promise," Hawks said as he kissed the curve of your neck and returned to resting his head on your shoulder. His wing draped over your back and carefully rest on you, enveloping you in a comfortable warmth.

You wiped your tears and took a deep breath. You set down the mug and watched as Hawks set the mug on a platter. You smiled knowing he did that because he didn't want you risking destroying all these papers.

You worked the rest of the night by Hawks' side. He would reheat your drink if you didn't finish it fast enough and would occasionally help out on some of the paperwork with things he was familiar with. He made a quick dinner and gave you a blanket when he saw you shiver from the cold. As he went to and from the table, he would reach for you chin from behind and pull into a chaste kiss.

When time came to finally head to bed, he pulled you away from all your paperwork, which you were reluctant to at first. You wanted to finish as much as you could before you would pass out, but Hawks wouldn't let you. The thought of having to return to the unfinished work made you dread sleeping.

But Hawks was all too appealing when he guided you to the bedroom. He had gotten ready for bed with you and pulled the covers over your shoulders and pulled you into a hug.

"After a good nights rest, you'll be in better shape to finish as much as you can tomorrow," he reassured with a soft whisper. He added, "And I'll be right there with you."

He kissed you gently and placed small pecks to your eyelids. It was an adorable attempt at getting you to close your eyes and fall asleep. It worked.

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