I promised

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The dim cloud covered the faint sunlight and fog has moistened the field of green. Weeps of despair overlapped the chatters in the crowd. Patting on my back, they tried to encourage the life ahead of me, just about I was thinking of ending it.

The funeral ended, and the mass of black wearer attendees has subsided. Each head was getting easier to count as the time goes by, until there was only a man standing before your grave.

Alone and abandoned, I sat beside the ground which my love has rested to. I dread to think a life without her. Ruminating the soft palm on my skin and her comforting scent as she leaned on me, a breeze swept past my shoulder that reminded me of her touch.

I slowly reached for my shoulder, of which her hand had touched from when we danced, as if longing for warmth. I felt her presence in the wind passing by, combing through my hair down to my face.

"I'll come to you. Just please, wait for me" I promised with a croaked mumble while brushing my lips to this cold circular metal on my finger. I rose my knees straight to walk homeward.

Feeling the weight of the world with each step I took, I walked among the crowd of ushering people. Beside me was the noise of beeping cars but came to a pause when light of red flashed up in the sign. Shoe heels stamped on the cement. Paid no heed to the flowing sea of crowd, I took a moment to myself and breathed each time as I take a step.

My legs seemed to stop as my eyes glued looking up. In the middle of the road, I stood lonely and helpless. I took the moment back but was unable to move, I froze as flash of two beaming lights blinded my sight. 

Coldness scattered from my head throughout my body. From there, the sky was wide.

Birds' wings fluttered from the distance while the leaves of thin trees by the sidewalk, danced to the gentle breeze of the dusk that gradient from pinkish purple to indigo blue sky. My eyes danced to look at blurry faces that gathered around me. It was late that I realized my vision became hazy cherry red.

"I told you, I'll come" I smiled before I completely closed my eyes.

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