we had all decided on starting the plan tomorrow and i couldnt be anywhere near the mansion. i was suprised no one was around. i mean yh, it was late so everyone would have been in bed. but just the thought of being inside of a house full of none humans....it just wasnt me yet i had been brought into this world.
tyson had said goodbye and claire had tried to say goodbye. i didnt know what was up with claire, she seemed upset all the time like someone had scared her bad and then she starts hurting everyone else for her pain. but i like tyson, he wasnt big headed at all. i thought he would be, what with him being angel and all. he could have pushed me around like a little ant , and do everything he says. but he acted just like any other human.
but amiee seemed different comapred to him. he felt human even though i knew he wasnt. i didnt know if it was because she half vampire or what, i dont know. i wounder what the baby is going to be like. i was almost home now, quite close acctually. i always end up walking fast when i dont want to and when i think.
my baby lay asleep in the middle of the bed, his huge blue eyes shut tight. i hated calling him ' my baby' i really wanted to give him a name but i couldnt decide, what with tyson not being here with me to choose.
my baby's skin was smooth and i had noticed on his back that some wings were slowly forming on his back like they were part of him. they just looked like fairy wings at the mooment. they were mainly skin with no feathers and they were a light grey ish. so he got the wings from his dad but the colour from us both. he was barely a day old and he was already growing at an eceptional rate. i didnt want my baby growing up to fast. especially not in this dump.
jamie hadnt been back for ages, i am soooo lucky i or my baby werent in trouble otherwise we would have died or almost on the verge of dying. i'm glad i had spent a long time with him on my own, time for the both of us to bond. he also had a big stomache to but i had a bad feeling he would like to drink blood often. not that he needed it like i do, but just because it was nice.
he had accidently bitten my finger when i was looking to see if he had any teeth yetand yh he had. they were tiny but sharp as a knife. as soon as my blood spilt into his mouth, he began sucking madly on it and wouldnt let go till i forced my finger out. he didnt cry but he looked upset and that he knew it was wrong. it hurt a for a little while to. he had also just dropped of to and i hoped it stayed that way to. i needed my sleep.
getting on the bed beside him, i instabtly fell into a deep sleep. god i was sleeping alot latley.
Accidental hybrid 2 : vampire/ angel (BK2)
VampireAmiee is now half angel and half vampire...but pregnant as well. Her and Tyson are together but are in trouble of forever losing each other whether that's by death or spending all of eternity on the wrong side of a mirror. To add to that jealous Jam...