Chapter Seven: A Special Night

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A/N: Warning, there is smut in this chapter, if you do not like it do not read. The smut begins just shortly after Steve puts away the dishes, and says the words "I do". You have been warned. Happy reading!


It was the middle of the day, and the sounds of robots scurrying across the lab, mixed in with the swears and the shouts of a certain browned, curly haired genius, were never dull at this time of the day. It's been three weeks already, and Tony can say with certainty that he finally feels ready to start a relationship with the good Captain, however, he doubts that he'll tell him any time soon, since he still has those nagging feelings that tell him he isn't good enough. In the meantime during those three weeks, he's spent his quality time with Steve, going on dinner dates, finally touching the surface of Star Wars, which was funny in itself since there were a lot of pop culture references for Steve to get, nonetheless, he liked it.

In those three weeks as well, the two males have been getting a bit more touchy feely, and it excited Tony. He felt as if Steve was getting more comfortable and warming up to the idea of having sex with him, but he wouldn't get his hopes up. They weren't officially dating yet, and Steve seemed like the kind of guy who would wait till marriage to do that kinda stuff. Well, maybe not considering the guy almost showed Tony his dick pretty early, but maybe that was more for the experience than anything. Also, the thought of marriage sent a shiver down Tony's spine, cause not only was that a major commitment, but no sex till marriage? It sounded like torture to Tony, but if that's what it took, maybe he'd be willing to wait that long.

He felt arms wrap around his waist, causing him to smile as he felt a kiss being placed on the side of his head. It was nice to have this sort of affection around whenever he was down here, whether it be for too long and Steve missed him, or the soldier wanted to sketch him working, or his bots.

"Hey there." He said softly into Tony's ear, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Hey there yourself. Something on your mind there, Cap?"

"Just wondering if you're free later. I have something in mind if you're up for it." He didn't have any plans for later in the day, but it was hard to voice his answer when he focused in on the way the soldiers hands were sliding up and down his hip ever so slowly, fingers dipping a little bit into the helm of his boxers.

"S-Sure," he stuttered, and it was a new sensation for Tony because he never stuttered, "what did... What did you have in mind?"

"A nice homemade dinner, just the two of us. Clint and Nat are at S.H.I.E.L.D. right now, and Bruce won't bother us. So what do you say?" Tony inhaled a shaky breath, his body reacting to the way Steve's fingers left a blazing trail across his hips, the front of his jeans starting to get a little uncomfortable.

"Steve... What are you doing?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just enjoying the way you're trying so hard to keep the emotion out of your voice at how much you enjoy me touching you." He whispered, letting his fingers breach past Tony's boxers, slowly sliding downwards, brushing across his thighs.

"Oh, fuck Steve." Tony moaned, biting his lips as he let the soldier run his hands along his body in one of the most intimate ways. It sent a jolt of pleasure down his spine and towards his crotch as he let the blonde have his way with him.

"You like that?" Steve whispered seductively into his ear, causing Tony to nod his head and moan again. "You like the way I touch you like this? Only I get to do this, right?"

"Yes. Oh, god, please fuck me Steve. I can't take it." He wasn't lying either, the teasing was turning him on and he really wanted, no, he needed Steve right now. A small chuckle in his ear was all he heard before the soldier retracted his hands, the feeling of pleasure escaping him, and the ghostly trail of Steve's fingers still lingering on his thighs.

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