Chapter 7

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Tomorrow is Wednesday, we are getting a warm front come through. The forecast predicts heavy rain, all day long. Rylie always walks home from Dereck's, alone. I can offer to take her home. Rylie may not want contact with me but what she hates more is being rained on. She always has, ever since we were little.

My grandmother use to have a cabin out on the outskirts of Flagstaff. She pasted away last year and my grandfather pasted away two years ago so no one uses it anymore. I could bring Rylie there until I'm done with her. I honesty think she will like the cabin, it and small and has a warm feeling that comes alone with it. It's deep into a some what large forest. When Rylie and I were little my mom would take us out to the cabin to visit with my grandmother. Rylie loved my grandmother Sarah, she considered her family. After my grandfather had a stroke we never went back. For the both of us the summer of 07 was the last time we were there. Every time we did go together Rylie and I had a blast. Hopefully bringing her out there will bring back some great memories.

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