chapter fifteen

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During Summer Vacation, James and Tabitha had often met up going on dates

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During Summer Vacation, James and Tabitha had often met up going on dates.

Her parents were supportive, but Frank was full out making It hard on her. He was not disapproving of them being a couple but instead making it a job to annoy the living out of them.

Whenever they had a date, Frank somehow found them, leaving the pair finding themselves having to escape him.

Luckily since James was of age a month later so he was now able to apparate them knowing Frank couldn't yet.

Tabitha had found herself instantly getting along with James' parents. He would often have to find himself dragging her away from his dad who'd talk about their family success or his mother who would talk about all the embarrassing tales of his childhood.

"I feel like I can't have you to myself sometimes" James whined as he laid on his bed after successfully taking Tabitha away from his parents smothering.

"Are you jealous?" She mocked as she plopped herself on his bed," I mean, I know I'm irresistible and all—" She was cut off by James who reached over tickling the life out of her.

"J-James!" She shouted as she laughed trying to escape his clutches which resulted in failing miserably.

After a few minutes of torture, he finally stopped but they had found themselves in a position that left the both in silence.

James was hovering over her and she under him. The pair of them had only been together for three months so anything farther than kissing was out of the question. Though, sometimes it was a challenge for both of them when they ended in situations like this one.

James found himself already kissing her which she returned which made it turn heated. Both still fully clothed but it was getting to the point of them wanting to remove it.

Though, James wanted to wait so he pulled out of the kiss and removing his hand that was on her hip," Not yet" He said catching his breath leaning his forehead on her own," I want to wait"

She had her hand on his cheek and smiled," Thanks James" she whispered

"I told you I'd do this right," he said cockily which made her shove him to the side as she turned to look at him falling on the bed.

"Hey, James?" She asked making him turn to her," Yes, my love?"

"Thanks for keeping your promises" She confessed making his eyes widen in shock

"Wait—you remember?"

"I kind of wish I didn't recall the whole thing since I do remember me crying about how my life was such a bore"

"That was the best part" James grinned making her roll her eyes

"Right, a drunk girl complaining about her life is the best part," She said sarcastically

"Well, that and the lecture of the lifetime, about how horrible I was" He leaned on his plopped arm

Her face fell," Oh—I shouldn't have—"

"It was true" James cut her off pushing a strayed hair behind her ear," I was kind of an arse to some people, and having someone actually tell me bluntly about it made me realize that I wanted to change—which kind of sounds silly"

"So, my drunken words made you think that?" She asked and he laughed

"No, it was you telling me that you'd be the one to prove that I can be a better person" James revealed making her gape at him.

"Did I really say that?" She asked

"It was strange you know; you were a complete stranger at the time, but it was like you saw me. Not as just The James Potter, the guy who causes mischief—among other things—but besides that all, you had given me the strong devotion to making it happen"

"That devotion then turned into an endless one the moment I fell in love with you Tabitha Longbottom"

Tabitha had found herself sitting up hearing the word 'love'. The words that the pair of them had yet to exchange openly.

He realized what he said making him also sit up," I always just blurt it out huh—"

"I love you James Potter" Tabitha cut him off making him instantly reach over smashing his lips onto her own.

It lasted for a moment until he pulled holding her cheeks  "And I love you, Tabitha Longbottom"

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