chapter nine

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Evanie lied to her brother and she hated it, but she just didn't want to hear him say 'I knew it!' The thing she lied about was that there was something going on between her and Remus

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Evanie lied to her brother and she hated it, but she just didn't want to hear him say 'I knew it!' The thing she lied about was that there was something going on between her and Remus.

She found herself snogging Remus of all people, and how it started was them just studying in his room because of how crowded the Library was because of the NEWTs and OWLs students.

Luckily, they didn't have to worry about their OWLs and cram like everyone else since they knew what to expect for it.

The snogging had not been something they'd expect to happen especially since they never admitted having feelings for each other. In fact, both of them were confused if they even saw each other romantically.

For Remus, he knew he was attracted to her, but romance was yet a thought. As for Evanie, she just had no idea why she didn't push him away. She never in her life thought about being in a relationship because of how it was a distraction. The one thing Ezekiel had talked about.

Remus was a distraction, but a distraction she was risking.

She pulled out of the heated kiss and her eyes glistened and his following. He looked at her for a moment and then let out a breath," I—I don't even know why I did that"

She gulped at how his voice sounded low and attractive making her curse silently as she shifted slightly back," Well there goes my chance asking why you did it in the first place"

He chuckled at her words and kept his eyes on her," I just felt like it, and honestly I sound like Sirius saying that"

"Ah, yes—I've come to see the difference between you four, Potter is always following that quiet Hufflepuff much like a puppy, Black is a womanizer no secret about that, and Pettigrew just loves to eat"

"Not the way I'd describe them, but yes that is something" Remus smirked," What about me?"

"Surprisingly, normal," She said blankly making him deadpan at her words

"Should that be a compliment?" He asked and she snickered

"Yes, I'd do anything to be called normal sometimes, it's always freak of nature or something that makes me an oddity to them"

"Does it have to be a bad thing?" He questioned making her look at him for a moment.

"I guess it doesn't," She said softly, she fell silent to Remus reconnecting their lips. Both of them in another session of snogging.

"Hey, Moon—Bloody Hell!!" Evanie and Remus pulled out of the kiss as quickly as possible both looking at the door to Sirius and James both gaping at them.

"That's not what I expected to see...ever" Sirius mumbled

James looked over to the other side of the room to Peter who was asleep on his bed," Poor Pete, he would have had an aneurysm if you two went further than snogging"

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