chapter twelve

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A few years later, as the Marauders had graduated and along with their significant others, they had all joined The Order and everything was finally coming to place, though, with Kaia only the older members knew of her role, whereas the rest still ...

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A few years later, as the Marauders had graduated and along with their significant others, they had all joined The Order and everything was finally coming to place, though, with Kaia only the older members knew of her role, whereas the rest still thought she betrayed them.

After Regulus asking Kaia for help, Dumbledore had also gotten into the plan, as they worked together to find what they needed.

"Hey hold on got a moment" Regulus stopped Kaia who was walking faster," Are you okay Kaia?" He asked slowly walkinng alongside her in the forest to their destination.

It was the day that they have been preparing for, and all Kaia could think about like most nights was her sister and Sirius.

Before the night of being recruited into The Order, she had wanted to speak with Sirius, and talk about their relationship after he graduated. She was willing to wait, but those plans didn't end up happening because of the upcoming war.

This night could end really well, or end up horribly.

"I never like to admit my fear" Kaia started," and we were pretty much moulded to not show it over the years, but I just can't help this foreboding feeling that things will go horribly tonight"

Regulus walked over to her grabbing her hand," There is something else in your mind, isn't there?" She tried to not look into his eyes but he used his hand to make her face him," Kaia" He said softly.

"Everything we did over the past years, still had us associated with their deeds. If we somehow make it out, I feel like we should be accounted for it"

"Are you saying that we just end it here? We act as the bad guys until the end?" Regulus dropped his hand from her chin as he frowned," I honestly don't care what people think about me Kaia, but you—You should not feel like anything that has happened is your fault"

"All those lives were taken" She slightly raised her voice," Look at all those deaths! How can I go on with my life knowing all of the things they have done? We were there, on the sidelines"

"It's exactly what we needed to do" He responded frustrated," It was how we got the information we needed for tonight"

"But—" He cut her off," It's because of Sirius and your sister isn't it?"

She tried to retort but she knew she couldn't lie to Regulus, knowing he was good at detecting it.

"How could they ever forgive me?" She said in a broken and weak tone," I knew about Pettigrew, and I could have told them—Frank and Alice would not have lost their lives if I said something"

"No" He quickly remarked," Things could have gone a lot worse than it did then that night. The entire Order could have been compromised. If you told them, imagine how many lives could have been lost...your life could have been lost"

"My life is not worth the loss of Frank and Alice" Kaia argued back

"Everyone's lives are worth something, and yours is definitely worth it Kaia. You sacrificed the life you could have had, to save thousands" Regulus expressed

Kaia kept silent as she continued to walk forward not saying anything else. She couldn't win an argument with him over this, because he was right.

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