Chapter 17

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A/N: If you pay attention to every interaction and conversation with Whitney, it is possible that you might discover something that will get fully revealed in a future chapter ;)


The day after Whitney announced they're moving up the wedding date, Dottie was sitting in an upscale bridal boutique as Whitney and Peggy looked for some last-minute outfits.

"Why are we here again?" Angie asked.

"I'm here to watch the boys. I don't know why you're here."

"Aw, don't pretend like you're not glad to see me."

"You're right, I am glad to see you. I've barely seen you since we arrived. I've missed you." Dottie sarcastically remarked.


"Dottie! Dottie! Look at Mom!" Eddie cheered, interrupting Angie as he and Mikey ran out of the dressing room, followed by Peggy. Her dress was plain and simple from the waist down, but the waist up.... Dottie had to look away for a moment. Intricate lace patterns shaped her figure and outlined her collarbone perfectly. For a brief moment, Dottie almost forgot Peggy was marrying someone else. Almost.

"Peggy, you look stunning. You'll be the best-dressed bride at the wedding."

"Don't let Whitney hear that.... but Dot is right." Angie agreed.

"Yeah, you look really pretty, Mom!"

"Thanks, everyone. I think I'm all set then." Peggy cleared her throat and looked at Dottie. "Hey Dottie, can you-"

Whitney emerged from the back room with a grin. "Great news, everyone! Peter Copping agreed to rush my veil and- Boo-bear! I'm not supposed to see you until the big day! It's bad luck!"

"Right, right, sorry. I'll go change."

"And stay back there until you're told to come out, okay? I'm going to try on my dress next!"

Peggy gave Dottie a long look before disappearing into her dressing room again. Once the coast was clear, Whitney followed Peggy into the dressing room area. A few minutes later, she returned, grinning from ear to ear as she pulled her hair back into a chic bun and showed off the gown.

"Well? Don't you just love it?"

"I think you already know how I feel, Whitney." Angie gave her a chef's kiss and Whitney beamed.

"It's long!" Eddie admired.

"And white!" Mikey said, stating the obvious.

"Like a ghost!"

"I suppose your assessment could be worse. Dottie? Any shade to throw, or have I finally stunned you into silence?"

"You look gorgeous. Radiant, even."

Whitney stood in front of the mirrored wall and Dottie looked away, trying to ignore the pang in her heart.

"Alright, I'm convinced. This is the one! Dottie, can you take the boys downstairs to get their suits refitted while I change?"

"But Mom said we could wear our old suits to the wedding!"

"I know, dear, but they need to be tailored again. Can't have my new sons looking raggedy next to me at the altar."

"I can take the rascals. It's better than sitting here by myself." Angie offered. "Come on, boys."


Angie and Whitney herded the boys from the room before Dottie could even finish her protest. With Whitney gone to change, she looked around the empty room. Her eyes drifted to the other dressing room door, where she knew Peggy was still changing out of her clothes. Taking a deep breath, she slipped into the room.

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