Talking to Two-bit.

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My name is Madison Matthews. I am Two-bits little sister I haven't seen him since I was like 10 and I'm now 14 . We don't live together I live in Texas with our parents but something happened with them I'd rather not talk about, well I might tell Two-bit later on. Anyway I'm going to live with Two-bit, when I asked to stay with him I knew he wanted to know what was wrong.........

"Madison where are you!?!?" Asked my Mom as I was trying to call Two-bit in the bathroom.

"I'm uhh in the bathroom hang on." I said as I was rushing to call Two-bit. "Hello?" A voice said on the phone. "Hello Two-bit???" I said rushing. "Yeah, who is this?" He said as if he didn't know me.

"It's Madison I need to know if I can stay at your place for a forever!"

"Madison why? What's wrong? Is mom and dad okay? Are you okay? Let me talk to dad! What's going on? Just tell m- " I cut him off. "Calm down I don't really have time to explain can you meet me at the Tulsa airport tomorrow?"

"Why just tell me real quick."

"I can't please pick me up tomorrow please I need you too I really do!!!" I said as I was getting really upset. "Well.....fine just please I hope your okay" He said I could tell he was getting sad too. "I am okay just be there okay? I have worked so hard for this money for a ticket so please be there I need you." I said as I was trying not to cry. "I'll be there don't worry baby sis, I have to go I love you." Two-bit said. "Okay so do I, I love you too Two-bit." When he said I love you I couldn't stand it I started balling. I hate life here it's to complicated!

"Madison get out of the bathroom and go to bed NOW!!!" My mom yelled. "Okay, I am" I said as I was wiping my tears away. As I went to my room I couldn't help but think that tomorrow I was actually leaving this hell hole! "Tomorrow is gonna be the best day ever."I said to myself as I was half asleep.


Hey guys, this is my first fan fiction it's not a lot I know but it's a starter and I think it's okay tbh I don't really know but if you guys could leave a like and a comment that woul help thanks. ^_^


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