Telling the gang

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*Marissa POV*

I woke up and looked down at my stomach. It was still flat. I took a deep breath "this is where my little angel will grow." I said to myself. Two-bit was still sleeping so I got up to get dressed and brush my teeth. After about 10 minutes Two-bit woke up and got dressed also. I stuffed a pillow under my shirt and looked in the mirror. Just then Two-bit walked in. "Dang that baby has grown a lot since last night" he said jokingly. "Honey will you still love me when I look like this?" I asked. He grabbed my hand. "There is nothing in this universe that would make me stop loving you." He kissed me. I took the pillow out. "Thanks." I said smiling.

We decided to go to town for breakfast. We walked because we were having car trouble. I stopped in front of the maternity clothing store and stared at it. Two-bit looked at me "honey you will still look beautiful in those clothes." I smiled and we kept walking. We got to the diner and the waitress came to our table. She just eyed me but I ignored her. "What can I get ya'll?" She asked. "I'll have bacon and eggs." Two-bit said. "Okay, and what about you young lady." She asked. I looked at the menue. "I'll have toast and eggs." "Alright your food will be here in a jiffy." She said walking away.

Our food arrived about 5 minuets after that. "Mmm this is good." Two-bit said stuffing his face. "Yeah..." I replied. He looked at me "what's wrong? You barely touched your food." "Just thinking about how everyone is gonna react to this." "They'll be fine Marissa I promise." He said smiling. "Yeah but Two you know how the gang is. With all this cancer stuff with Madison and Joleigh and Sodas wedding I just don't know how that are gonna react to it." "Marissa honey it's going to be fine." "I'm just scared you know?" "Marissa if they are your friends they will support you." I smiled. "That's true." We kissed and finished our food and left. We got to the Curtis house and everyone was there. Skyler and Gavin were on the floor cuddling, Joleigh and Soda were on the couch talking about the wedding, Pony and Madison were on the other side of the couch. Pony had his arm around Madison and he was reading Gone With the Wind. Two-bit looked at me and whispered "want me to say it?" I looked at him. "No I can." I took a deep breath. "Guys?" I said. Everyone looked up at me looking confused. "I have something to say." Everyone still looked at me. "I...I..I'm pregnant." I closed my eyes so I couldn't see them. After I opened them everyone's jaws were dropped. Madison looked at Two-bit and pointed to him. "YOU!" she screamed. He looked at her. "Me?" He asked. "Yes you. You did this to her!!" She said with her eye twitching. "Why? This is all your fault!" She said getting ready to run at him. "Madison sweety calm down." Pony said. "Did you not just hear....MARISSA IS PREGNANT." She said yelling again. Pony held her tightly. "I know baby but please calm." She took a deep breath and laid back. The rest of the gangs mouths were still dropped. Just then the phone rang. Joleigh picked it up. "Hello?" She said. "Oh okay." "Its fine" "can't wait thanks"

"Who was that?" I asked. "Mine and Marissa's dresses are ready, we can pick them up now." She said. "Well great I think we should do that and break the awkwardness." Two-bit said. We all agreed and went to get them.

After we got there we got the dresses and headed home. We made sure the guys didn't see them because they wanted them to see it on the wedding days.

*Joleighs POV*

So we just found out Marissa is pregnant! Ugh I could just kill him. Well I should stop talking about it before I actually DO kill him. Anyways me and Soda figured out our bridesmaids and stuff. We made it so they walk out in pairs but it's kinda an odd number because Carry has no girlfriend.
Maid of honor Best man

Breanna Darry
Bridesmaids Groomsmen

Marissa Two-bit

Skyler Gavin

Flower girl Ring bearer

Madison Pony

It was hard to choose the best man and the maid of honer. Soda chose Darry for best man because hes oldest and his brother and I chose Breanna because she's oldest. And we chose Madison and Pony for Flower girl and Ring bearer because their youngest. We also decided on the brideaids dresses and the groomsmens tuxs. The bridesmaids dresses are blue and they are short. They also have a ribon on them. The Tux's are just black with a blue bow. (As shown in media) I just can't wait for next month.

Hey guys, I know its been legit forever since I updated I'm so sorry. And how I said that after a few chapters I'm gonna end this story. Sorry about that. Like I said before I was thinking about re making a new story but idk. Anyways leave a like/comment. Really helps. Thanks.


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