Chapter Six - This Isn't The First Time pt. 2

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A/N: The spilling of the tea commences

Third Person POV

"This... this isn't the first time a side has been split..."

"...I think I'll go sit now..." Remy said, his face paling. The rest of the sides in the room silently followed suit, taking a seat in various places in the room, not daring to speak with the tension that filled the air.

"Alright," Emile began, "I'm going to tell you all something, and you have to promise me you won't interrupt. It's going to be a lot, so please just listen. And... I'm sorry in advance." The sides all nodded after sharing looks at each other, prompting him to continue.

"Ok. This story starts before Thomas was born, when his mother was a few months pregnant with him. At the time... there was only 3 traits in the whole mindscape: Drowsiness (Somnus), Reasoning (Sanus), and Emotion (Animus)..."


*this is a flashback btw, in case it wasn't clear*

After Thomas' mom was a few months pregnant with him, his mindscape began to go into development. The first trait to appear was a teenager named Somnus, who represented Drowsiness. For a few days he was alone in the mindscape, left to learn who he was and his purpose for existence. However, after three days while exploring the imagination, he saw someone else in the distance looking around confusedly. Excited at the prospect of not being alone, Somnus ran towards that person and greeted them. He learned that their name was Animus and that he represented Emotion.

After a month, the two teens became very close friends and learned about their purpose happily together. One day after that first month passed, similar to how Somnus and Animus met, they were exploring the mindscape when they saw someone standing stone still in the middle of a field. Somnus approached the individual with Animus close behind.

"Hey! Are you new?" Somnus said, tapping the young teenager on their shoulder. Suddenly though, to Somnus' surprise, the person quickly spun around, grabbing his wrist and placing Somnus in a headlock.

"Who the fuck are you two? What is this place?" He said angrily, though his nervousness was shown through the slight shakiness in his voice.

Emotion calmly approached him with a reassuring smile. "Hey, it's okay we aren't going to do anything to you. My name is Animus and that person you have in a headlock there is Somnus. I represent Emotion and he is Drowsiness. Could you please let him go?"

"Tch." The person let go of Somnus, dropping him unceremoniously on the ground.

"So, who are you?" Animus said with a kind smile.

"Sanus. Reasoning. It is nice to meet you both, I suppose."

After that meeting, Sanus gradually began to open up to Animus and Somnus more and they all worked together to make sure Thomas was developing healthily while his mother was pregnant with him. And soon enough, much to their excitement, it was the day of his birth. The traits all stood in the control room anxiously, awaiting the moment that Thomas would be born.

"Aah, I'm so excited!!" Animus exclaimed, hopping up and down.

"Same here," Somnus said happily with a sip of his coffee,

"We'll finally be having a bigger part in Thomas' development. That prospect is quite daunting, but I believe we will guide him through life well," Sanus said, attempting to hide his excitement. Hours passed, and Thomas was soon being held in his mother's arms while the three traits embraced joyously.

•••2 years later•••

The three traits were together in the control room, watching as Thomas played with his toys happily on the ground. After about 10 minutes Thomas became bored and made his way to the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen and immediately laid his eyes on a jar of sugar on the table, eyes widening excitedly.

"Guys, shouldn't we stop him?" asked Somnus.

"Why? It's just some sugar, right?" replied Animus.

"Both of your conclusions have valid points that back them, but I do not think it would be entirely too detrimental to let this play out," Sanus reasoned.

"Alright then, if you say so, Glasses." Somnus said with any eye roll and a sip of his coffee.

"Just as Thomas began to climb the chair to reach the sugar, the three traits all jumped out of their skin when someone behind them shouted, "Hold on!" They all immediately whipped around to face someone they had never seen before in the mindscape.

"Now why would you kiddos think it's alright for him to just take the sugar? Surely you can see what's wrong with that."

"Umm," began Somnus, "I'm sorry, but the fuck are you supposed to be?"

"Language!" the stranger huffed and continued, "Anyways, hi! My name is Patton and I represent Morality!"

A/N: TO BE CONTINUED because I'm a lil prick like that. Also, sorry if the introduction of new characters is a confusing concept, I'll make sure to put a reminder of their names at the start of the next chapter as well,,, anyways, i hope you liked this! feel free to give positive or negative feedback or point out typos at anytime, as long as you don't do it disrespectfully. I'm always looking to improve because I'm not perfect

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