Chapter 9 - Holy Hell.

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A/N: so it's been 4 and a half years and i decided to log back in to my wattpad account. the support on my stories is a bit insane and i never even noticed until now💀 like i turn 20 in a month, that's how old this story is. im gonna see if i can cook something here, but no promises. I'll also be surprised to see anyone still interested in this story lol, i've been fully on AO3 only lately, not even writing anymore just reading. way better without ads honestly. but anyways, i never plan out stories, and that includes this one, so i just kinda wrote as i went. its been so long im just gonna do the same thing and hope it turns out ok. I've also not been in the fandom for a long ass time and just recently rewatched some videos because of the new ones uploaded.  anyways lemme shut up now and see what i can do

Janus' POV

I sat with Virgil in my arms, at a loss for words. Patton had done all of that?! Holy hell. Glancing around the room, it was clear everyone else was thinking the same thing.

"But wait," I began, "I'm younger than the rest of you, so was I.. was I ever split?"

Everyone turned to Emile, now curious for the answer, but I felt immediate relief when Emile shook his head and explained, "No, thankfully. As Deceit, you're already a whole side on your own and can't be split into two things. You technically already do have an opposite, which would be Patton since he is Morality."

"Kinda fucked up for someone that represents morality," Remy grumbled under his breath.

(A/N: this is where is stopped writing back in Dec. 2020 so everything past it is brand spankin' new)

I glanced over to Logan and he had an indescribable expression on his face. For once, Logic was lost for words. To be fair, if I were told I used to be an entirely different person that I have no memories of, I would likely pull a similar face.

"After he took Lethergus away, I never saw him again," Emile continued. "Patton took all of the "dark sides" over to the complete opposite side of the Imagination and made it impossible for them to make their way over here. I'm not even sure if anyone else remembers what happened. It's not like they would be able to tell us, anyways."

"But," Logan finally breaks out of his stupor with a quick shake of his head, "How is it that you still remember? Did Patton not make the comment that he would attempt to erase your memories of before?"

"Well..." Emile begins:


Of the sides and traits that were on the "positive" side of the imagination back, Emile had been the only one who remembered everything Patton had done to them. It was unclear if it had to do with his strong ties to emotional events or what, but he remembered it all. Patton tried... a lot... to try and break his memory. So much so that eventually he couldn't take it anymore and blacked out for a long long time.

By the time Emile regained consciousness, there was even a new side popped up in the Mindscape: Deceit. After the end to his long slumber, Emile's eyes shot open and his memory rushed back painfully into his head, almost as if something had tried to keep it out and failed. Emile knew what that something was immediately, but that was an issue for later.

He was certain that Patton thought he had successfully erased his memory, and he did not intend for Patton to learn of his failure.

**end of flashback**

"So you've kept this from everyone for that long??" Remy questions, "Even me?"

"I had to!" Emile exclaims, attempting to placate the trait's feeling of betrayal, "If you all knew this before, it could have ruined Thomas' developmental years. And even now in his 30s, what would happen to him, and us, without his morality?"

"It's quite alright, Emile, your reasoning for keeping this from us is sound and we will not blame you for doing so," Logan responds, calming them both down in his own way.

"However," he continues, "what is not okay is Patton's clear abuse of power over Thomas' mindscape. If everyone has gotten out what needed to be said, I have a suggestion that may pose troublesome but is very necessary."

"Anything issss better than nothing," I responds, still gently holding Anxiety in my arms, the child too scared to be pulled apart from me.

"I mean, seeing as how we both just appeared, I feel like we should just let this play out," Roman replies, still glued to Remus' side.

"Ditto," Remus agrees, unsurprisingly holding his morningstar again.

"Very well then," Logan continues, after everyone else agrees, "I suggest we pay a visit to the others."

Mutters of confusion sound in the room at his seemingly absurd suggestion, but Logan continues, "If they can't visit our realm, we should visit theirs. None of us have ever bothered to do so under the belief that they would pose us or Thomas harm, but if Patton is the one that instilled that fear into us, it is likely untrue. And if not untrue, it it's at least highly exaggerated. There is also a high chance that they hold the same belief of us, that we may bring them harm. However, if we want what is truly best for Thomas, we all need to be on the same side physically and metaphorically."

A/N: Ok yeah that's all I'm cooking rn, it ni night time for me cuz I got work in 6 hours (its 4am). no promises at all that this will be continued, but if I see people reading it again its possible. ok bye :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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