-ˏˋOne | Introductionˎˊ-

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I don't think that people are this dumb, but if you still can't get it, this is a one-shot book. I'll be publishing short stories which I might make books on later (emphasis on might and later). I know, I know, one-shots are nothing special, but I really wanted to do. Support me, pwease?

Get ready for a lot of Beomryu and Yeonji one-shots, but get ready for even more Soolia one-shots. 

I thought of designing banners for this book, to give it a more professional touch (maybe a cute one too), but then reality slapped me back saying that I suck at editing (true). 

It's been long since I actually wrote, and I really wanted to get back to typing words (because I have nothing else to do) and wanted to express my feelings through words, itzy and txt (No auto-correct, it's txt not text). 

I'm quite nervous for this, I haven't practice anything before straight jumping on here. I hope I'll do well... 

R E Q U E S T S 

Ah so well, I can take requests, but there's a teeny-tiny problem. No one would request, hehe. 

[That's enough Jiyoon, your readers must be getting impatient.]

I will take requests, but there is another teeny-tiny problem...

Please refrain from requesting Yunkai. Whenever I think about this ship, I start squirming and jumping, which is a sign that I'm not comfortable. And since, the writer needs to be cozy (like rosie) to produce good stories, you don't have to request Yunkai. 

Just add the ship name and a vague description. I'll do it. 

update; 20/05/2021: request are closed, and probably will never open again.



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