-ˏˋ What Happened? | Yeonji ˎˊ-

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Based on the writing prompt by potae_toes

S U M M A R Y 

"It's our fifth friendiversary, but it feels like we've grown apart."

Yeonjun and Yeji were paired up together for a school project, but what everyone didn't know was that they have history. Their history isn't very different from others', but it all started with a carton of milk. It was Yeonjun's first day of being a 10-year-old, he got allowance for school but he wanted to spend it on his favourite milk brand; and so, he did. But he also got a new friend.

At the age of 15, he and his friend both started to grow apart. Why, though?

[I don't really know if I would be able to pull this off, but there's no harm in trying. I'm sorry Minji if this doesn't come out as great as you'll be able to do it T_T]

[I have changed some things in the plot. Again, I'm sorry if this doesn't turn out great.]


Yeji scribbled along the lines of her notebook, trying her best to copy down important points that the teacher stated and wrote on the board. It was hard to keep up with her teacher Ms. Park's pace and it burdened her more that Jisu, the class topper and her best friend today was absent, the girl who she usually asked for notes if she wasn't able to finish everything.

She glanced up, to write more, but realised that the teacher had gone back to her desk, searching for something lost between the bundle of notebooks. She visibly saw Ms. Park sighing in relief as she pulled out a long register and turned the pages slowly, grinning widely.

'Oh no', Yeji widened her eyes in fear as she recognised this expression. It conveyed, "Oh yes children, you're going to suffer, I'm giving you a project.".

"Class, listen," The teacher clapped her hands, succeeding in gathering the attention of her pupils.

"I'm assigning you a project," She announced and the whole batch of students erupted into a series of protests and groans, people throwing back their heads in irritation. Yeji scrunched her nose in distaste, contemplating whether or not should she conjure up an excuse and skip this class.

She exhaled, she could not skip this class, she needed to hear everything and tell Jisu about it, or Jisu's grades might drop.

"And you have to work in pairs," Ms. Park dropped another bomb on them. A wave of protests lashed out from the students once again, towards the teacher. Ms. Park ignored them all and continued, "21 students will line up in front of my desk and will pick a slip from there," She gestured towards a glass bowl.

"It will have the name of someone from the other half of the class."

Yeji was the second one in the line, she smoothed down her skirt and bit her lip in anticipation, glaring slightly at her teacher. The person in front of her, Avy, picked up a chit and whined quietly as she read the name of the person.

It was Yeji's turn—and it was obvious that she was nervous as hell. She plunged her hand into the bowl full of explosives—oops, I mean, slips, and carefully extracted one, her one eye dramatically closed as she opened the chit.

'Please, please not a lazy person, not a lazy person, not a lazy person', she chanted in her head all the way through and read out the person's name:

Min Yoongi.

God wasn't having her shit today.

"What?" Avy's face suddenly lit up, her eyes widening. "Please exchange with me, please!"

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