-ˏˋ How to bomb a date? | BeomRyuBin ˎˊ-

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Jisu rubbed her hands together as she put on a cap over her head, slipped inside a warm and comfy jacket and shut her bedroom door behind her. She ran upstairs with soft footstep, her toes feeling the cold after touching the wooden floor, even after wearing three-layered socks.

Where was she heading to? The attic.

The attic was always cold. When it did provide some relief in summers, but during the winters it morphed into the castle of jack frost. It was the room of her idiot younger brother, Beomgyu. He chose the attic as his headquarters because it gave him a "mysterious" feel, a feeling which could only be felt by idiots, since Jisu wasn't able to get any of it.

She stood in front of the door for a minute, mentally preparing herself to feel the blast of arctic wind, a one very powerful, something which could make her fall off. Her hand wrapped itself around the cold metal doorknob, she shivered a bit and then turned it, opening the way to hell.

Her brother, younger than her by two years and very, very handsome not to forget—was standing by his bed, ruffling his light brown hair in frustration. He kicked off his bunny slippers and sat on the bed with a sigh of irritation.

"Stop behaving like a brat and think something!" Jisu scolded him, raising an eyebrow at him throwing a fit.

"Right..." He agreed. "Ryujin likes tall guys."

Jisu glanced blankly at her brother, who practically towered over her small being. Ah yes, Jisu was a bit—no scratch that—a lot surprised when she heard Beomgyu saying under his breath, "I'm a little short." Despite being a short person, she did not take offence, knowing that her brother was a little stupid (actually a lot but she didn't want the readers to think of Beomgyu as a stupid person, because after all, he was her brother.).

Standing at 1.8 metres, everyone was jealous of Beomgyu's height. Of course, including her.

She shoved her hands into her pockets and scanned him up to down. He was unbothered by the cold. Wearing full-sleeved black t-shirt and loose grey trousers as if it was summer. She exhaled, "Are you for real? Have you seen your height?"

"Have you seen Soobin's?" He retaliated back, making his way to the marker board in the corner.

"No," She shrugged unmoved.

She didn't know this guy personally. She had heard about him from Yeji and Ryujin a few times, and apparently this guy was the one who had asked Ryujin out on a date and Beomgyu went insane after hearing the news.

Beomgyu joined his hands together and bowed down. "Don't talk about his height then."

"Anyways," Jisu ignored him. "What are you going to do?"

"Bomb the date?" He suggested with a hint of mischief in his eyes, giving her a lop-sided smile.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"I have an idea."


"What?!" Jisu shrieked a bit, scooting away from her brother. "You'll ask the waiter to drop coffee on his head?!"

"Yup," He grinned evilly. "Hopefully he'll go bald."

Jisu didn't want to participate in his plan. But it was too late to back off.

"No Beomgyu, suggest something else."

"How about I message him saying that I'll provide you some tips?" Beomgyu put forward, crossing out the first option from the whiteboard.

"No," She refused, extending the 'no'. "That won't work. As far as I've heard from Yeji, he's quite smart."

"Should I act like Ryujin's chauffeur and get lost on the way, intentionally?"

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