-ˏˋ Selene | Soolia ˎˊ-

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[Note: Since I'm the vice president of Cadoberry club, which is a safe haven for people who are soolia enthusiasts, I definitely had to start with a Soolia one-shot]


The bright and the alluring moonlight that entered through the squeaky-clean transparent windows was the sole reason why the only occupant of the room—a 19-year-old boy—was awake. But he wasn't angry or frustrated, he was rather, happy.

Soobin threw the covers of his bed away and rose to his full height, staggering a little bit. He rubbed his sleep-clouded eyes and steadied himself by placing his hand against the wall. As soon as he was wide-awake, he scrambled to where his desk was, trying to discover where his notebook was in the pile of books. His eyes caught the glimmer of a pink cover and he grinned in relief, freeing his precious notebook from the weight of his other textbooks.

"Jisu? Are you here?" He whispered, gripping a pencil, holding it the air for someone to take.

A second later, he felt a presence materialising in front of him and an invisible hand softly pulling the pencil out of his clasp, the pages of his pink notebook being turned to the sheet where they last wrote.

The pencil hovered above the sheet, the person probably contemplating what to write. Then the tip touched the lines and Jisu penned two words, in her beautiful handwriting: 'I am!'

Soobin couldn't help but beam at her enthusiasm, conveyed through just two words.

She further wrote: 'How are you?'

Soobin replied by speaking, "Of course I'm fine, and my day got better after seeing you!"

The pencil engraved words on the paper again.

'But you can't see me.'

Soobin glanced down at the sheet, his face morphing into a frown. "Don't worry Jisu," He mumbled, his focus still on the paper. "Your mere presence is enough to brighten up my day."

The pencil started to hover in the air once again and touched down, then suddenly fell, rolling across his desk and with a sigh Soobin realised, she was no longer there.

Cursing the moon goddess Selene in his mind, he turned towards his window with a gloomy expression to find that the moon, now hidden behind the clouds, didn't want him to talk to Jisu today. However, he was just as thankful. Whenever it appeared in the night sky to brighten up the dark surroundings, it also lightened up his heart. Jisu only seemed to materialise into existence when the moon also made an entrance in the night sky, she could only write when it shined in all its glory. Otherwise, Jisu would just dissolve in thin air, leaving the atmosphere around him colder than usual.

He didn't know why he felt better around Jisu. He trusted her enough to tell her about things that hurt him a lot, or about things that made the world better for him. He never saw her properly, except that one time where the sky was happy and the moon was glittering lively, spreading its white light everywhere. Then she appeared in front of him, she was ethereal to say the very least, and it made him breathless.

He still remembers the way she smiled at him, a melodious laughter leaving her lips, and him dropping the pen in his hand.

But that was all.

Still, it was enough for him. He didn't know whether the feelings he had for Jisu was attraction or just the start of a great friendship, but he didn't want to clarify anything. He loved this confusion.

-ˏˋ The End ˎˊ-

I tried my best to write like a poet or like people who I follow here and love the writing of, but guess what? I failed miserably. Someone advised me to describe more, so here it is. 

Perhaps one day I'll get better, but I don't see that day coming very soon. 

I hope you liked it :)


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