-ˏˋ Flowers | Taeryeong ˎˊ-

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I found a very very popular tumblr prompt and couldn't help myself. 

Person A owns a flower shop and person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says "How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?"


Chaeryeong had opened up her shop early in the morning, in hopes of customers flooding the small room like usual, but till yet, no one had even stepped a foot in her shop. She could already expect this day to be a slow and boring day, definitely not like others. There were no major holidays coming up. Valentine's day passed a month ago, and Chaeryeong figured that she might not get any customers today. 

She sprayed water on her carnations to keep them fresh and rearranged the order of her flowers. Grabbing her name tag from the drawer and pinning it on her shirt, she let out a sigh and moved on to clearing up her messy desk, crushing up unnecessary bits of paper lying here and there into a big ball and dropping it in the dustbin. 

Chaeryeong checked her watch: it was 10:30 am. She sat behind the wooden counter and stared outside out the window, watching people pass by in a hurry, some of them probably getting late for office. And then she saw him. Chaeryeong pursed her lips and frowned as she noticed a black-haired man outside, a scowl etched on his face, heading towards her shop—or maybe some other place, because she was sure that she won't get any customer today. 

Proving what Chaeryeong had thought was false, the man walked into her shop, the bell above her door ringing softly. The young man ran a hand through his hair and set down a credit card on the counter. 

Chaeryeong wasn't prepared for his next words. "How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flowers?" He said and Chaeryeong tilted her head slightly in confusion, processing his words. 

"Please?" The man said, becoming impatient. 

"O-of course!" Chaeryeong replied, fumbling around. "Geranium for stupidity, and then those ugly flowers—orange lilies I suppose their name is. They stand for hatred and disdain. Then I have got here some pretty yellow carnations but their meaning is quite different—they symbolise disappointment. A bunch of meadowsweet flowers, which means you're kind of useless? And we'll add a little bit of foxglove to the equation—which stands for insincerity."

She looked up at the man after her bouquet was complete to find him hiding a smile.

"Is this okay for you Mr..." Chaeryeong trailed off. 

"Taehyun." He responded.

Chaeryeong attached a small card to it and handed the bouquet to Taehyun.

"Erm—" Taehyun took a quick look at her nametag and smiled lightly, a really pretty smile. "Ms. Chaeryeong. Thank you."

Chaeryeong bowed down to him, expecting him to walk out of the store any moment but his presence was still there. And then she heard him speak—"Which flowers symbolise love at first sight?"

Chaeryeong nodded, acknowledging his question, "The flower, Lavender Rose symbolises love at first sight. The lavender hue in roses is extremely rare and that's what makes it extraordinary."

"Thankfully," Chaeryeong continued,  "I have enough to make a bouquet." 

Taehyun gave her a grin, and she took it as a signal to go ahead. In less than two minutes, a new bouquet was prepared, a card attached to it, and handed to Taehyun. 

Taehyun whispered a final 'thank you' and walked out of the store. 

Chaeryeong released a long-held breath. Damn. 


Next day, Chaeryeong got beautiful lavender roses on her desk, a familiar name signed at the bottom of the card.

Chaeryeong's eyes widened. She just got asked out. 

-ˏˋ The End ˎˊ-

Sorry for the delay. I had to study a lot :')

A short update before I go inactive again because of my exams, because you know, being in 11th grade isn't that easy. I'll edit this later, when I get time.

which twice member do you ship with: 

1. Rosé 

2. Jisoo

3. Jennie

4. Lisa

drop your favourite ship next to the blackpink member's name. 

[It's for research purposes...or maybe for a new twicepink book.]

Take care, stay safe. ily all. 

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