● Part 1 ●

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My name is Evelynn and where I grew up, the most important thing was imagination. Every living creature has a story and an unique way to experience it. A little bit of imagination and a good story can’t be stopped. That might sound amazing … but some stories end up in chaos. They destroy themselves because they can’t set limits. To prevent unhealthy imagination that might destroy a world, authors use magical books. They write stories in them to retain order and make sure the power of imagination doesn’t destroy itself. In between all the worlds is a special place. It’s called the library and in it you can find every story that has ever been written, experienced or thought of. It’s a magical place and … my home. Growing up I learned how to be an author and today my abilities would come to use. Today was the last day I would spend in the library.

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Evelynn is standing in front of a man. He is holding a book.

Man: Will you, Evelynn Graeme, fulfill your destiny?

Evelynn: Yes, I will.

Man: Are you ready to dedicate your life to the power of imagination?

Evelynn: Yes, I am.

Man: Then take this book and protect it with your life. Use it to maintain the balance of good and evil.

The man gives her the book. Evelynn takes it and leaves

Clarissa and Alvard are waiting outside. Evelynn walks up to them.

Alvard: What did they say?

Evelynn: Protect the book with your life. As if I was part of a cult.

Clarissa: Wish me luck

Evelynn: See you then.

Clarissa: If I survive the sermon

Evelynn: Don’t be dramatic

Alvard: I think it was a joke.

Evelynn: Well, not a funny one.

Alvard: What does your book look like?

Evelynn gets the book and shows it to him

Evelynn: It’s nothing special, really. The pages are magical but other than that it’s just a normal book.

Alvard: 19 years of those people telling us how great imagination is just to get a book?

Evelynn: Don’t say it like that! You know how special it is. And don’t act like you’re not as excited as I am.

Alvard: But just because I can finally leave the library.

Evelynn: If you say so…

Clarissa walks up to them

Clarissa: Your turn, Alvard.

Alvard: Ugh, don’t call me that.

Clarissa: Not my fault your parents gave you that name.

Evelynn: Any special powers or something?

Clarissa: Nope. Just a book.

Evelynn: How exciting. Do you have everything packed?

Clarissa: What is that supposed to mean? The library will give us all we need for our mission.

Evelynn: It’s not a mission - it’s a journey. But even though the library gives us all we need … isn’t there anything you want to take with you?

Clarissa: Nope. I’m just happy we finally get out of here.

Evelynn: Once Alvard is done we can open the portal to our new world.

Clarissa: Are you sure you know how that portal thing works? Shouldn’t we ask one of the professors for help?

Evelynn: Trust me, Clarissa. Everything will work out.

Clarissa: … I don’t know.

Evelynn: But I do.

Alvard walks up to them

Clarissa: Are you done?

Alvard: Yup, got my book. We can leave now.

Clarissa: And never come back

Evelynn: Sure. Is there anything you two would like to do before we leave?

Alvard: No, I’m done with this place.

Clarissa: Same. Let’s get out of here.

Next they are somewhere outside.

Evelynn: Wanna speak everything over before we jump into a whole different dimension?

Clarissa: Sounds plausible.

Evelynn: Okay. First we get to our new home, which the library already has for us. They said something with … google maps? No idea what that is, we’ll figure it later. Then we split up to find the stories we’ll be writing. Ready?

Alvard: But how do we know that we found the story?

Evelynn: Idiot. Our eyes change color.

Alvard: But what type of world is it?

Clarissa: We’ll see when we arrive. Hopefully we don’t get a zombie apocalypse. Those are so stressful.

Alvard: Let’s go!

Evelynn: Okay, get your books out.

They hold their books.

Evelynn: And hold them so they have a triangle in the middle.

They put it together

Evelynn: Now let’s say the place we want to travel.

All of them: OUR STORY!

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