● Part 7 ●

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Evelynn is sitting at home at her desk. She’s trying to figure out what to write in her progress report

Evelynn: What am I supposed to write? 

She stops and looks at the book

Evelynn:Why is this so difficult???

Evelynn closes her eyes and remembers something

~ Flashback ~

Evelynn and a few other children are standing in the Library. In front of them is an old man.

Man: People will tell you about a “writers’ block”. One of the most important lessons is that such thing doesn’t exist. Your job is to write what happens and develops the story. Just start writing and everything will be fine. It’s in your blood.

Evelynn opens her eyes in shock

Evelynn: That’s it! Just start writing!

Evelynn starts writing. The screen fades dark and you can see that Evelynn is really tired. Then she sleeps.

The screen fades normal again and Evelynn wakes up

Evelynn: Oh nooo, I’m late again! I need to go to school!

Evelynn jumps up and runs out the room

~ End of Flashback ~

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