● Part 4 ●

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They are in a classroom

Teacher: Where did we stop last time?

Helen: Scene 7. The great rescue.

Teacher: Thank you Helen. Is everyone in that scene wearing their costumes?

Helen: Yes, I made sure of that.

Teacher: Good job, Helen. Now, before we begin I want to introduce two new members of our group. These two lovely girls are Alexa and Evelynn. They will help behind the scenes and play some background characters. Now are you guys ready to act??

Students: YES WE'RE READY!

Helen and Justin are on the stage.

Justin: You have to leave, it is not safe here

Helen: I refuse to let you do this alone. We both caused this and we both will help humanity out of this.

Justin: Please. I can concentrate better when I don't have to worry about you all the time.

Laurel comes running on the stage

Laurel: They broke the chains! We need to catch them otherwise ... it's apocalypse day?

Helen: Ugh, no! Learn your text, the play is this Friday!

Laurel: I'm sorry ... What was the text again?

Justin: We need to catch them otherwise hell breaks loose. We won't be able to stop them if they get another chance.

Laurel: Ohhh, you're right!

Helen: Let's start the scene again then

The scene jumps to Evelynn sitting in her chair

Evelynn: This is gold, I need to write this down

Evelynn is standing in front of the school when Hester walks up to her

Hester: You did great today!

Evelynn: Oh, thank you. I didn't have much to do though. You played your parts really good. Your expressions fit the character you're portraying really well.

Hester: Thank you, Evelynn. So I was wondering wether you wanted to do something after school? I was planning on going to the park with a friend of mine and ... well, you seem lonely.

Evelynn: Well, if you don't mind me accompanying you.

Hester: Of course I don't! I moved here almost one year ago and it was hard to get used to. So if there's anything need help with, you can always ask me.

Evelynn: I will. And thank you so much

"Was I allowed to make friends within my story? I didn't care ... Hester was a nice person and a friend on a completely different level than Alvard or Clarissa" Evelynn thought.

Cassidy, Hester and Evelynn are talking.

Hester: I'd like you to meet my friend. Her name's Cassidy and I've met her shortly after my move here. Cassidy, that's Evelynn. She's just moved here.

Evelynn: Nice to meet you

Cassidy: Nice to meet you too. How is the play going so far?

Hester: Well, the play is going good. I'm just horrible at memorising my lines. I always forget something, it's terrible.

Cassidy: I'm sure you're doing great

Hester: But just because you haven't seen me during practice

Evelynn: It's not that bad. You always say "Apocalypse day" instead of "the day it all began" but other than that you're good.

Hester: That's actually not my fault. Laurel just keeps saying it wrong and now it's somehow stuck in my head ...

Cassidy: I will totally cheer for you on Friday if you say it wrong

Evelynn: Me too, but be aware of Helen.

Hester: She's taking the play way too serious. Whenever I say something wrong, she gets furious. Like, calm down, it's not like your life depended on it.

Evelynn: Yeah, in the end her character-

Hester: No! Don't take away the ending! That's pure evil.

Evelynn: Wow, am I really turning into one of those people?? Ugh, I hate it.

Cassidy: Well, out of all the people that do that, you're the nicest.

Evelynn: I bet that's not hard to achieve.

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