● Part 9 ●

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At school, in the drama class, they are practising a scene right now

Helen: I might be dying, but the world goes on

Justin: No, please don’t leave me … I don’t want the world to go on without you

Helen: We saved the world from creatures darker than everything humanity ever had to face. We were naive to think we would go out of this without sacrifices.

Justin: I won’t let you go. I’ll find a way, I promise.

Helen: Justin?

Justin: Yes?

Helen: Promise me to find love again

Helen closes her eyes and “dies”. The teacher runs on the stage

Teacher: That was amazing! Have you two thought about starting an acting career?

Justin: Not really, but thank you

Helen: I think what we should start is the first scene. The play is tomorrow and we still have SOME people that don’t know their lines.

Teacher: Good, let’s start from the beginning then.

Evelynn is sitting in her chair

Evelynn: Okay, my first appearance is in scene 9. I’m so glad my costume got delivered yesterday. That uniform was really uncomfortable. Well, most of the time I just sit around anyways … I should have the time to finish the book now. Then tomorrow I can just enjoy the play and … Take a day off of being an author.

Evelynn starts writing

Evelynn is just walking home

Evelynn: All I need after this day is a shower and my bed

Evelynn: Oh no, I forgot my keys!

She goes back

Evelynn: Great, just great.

Evelynn enters school

She walks down the hall and runs into Justin

Evelynn: Oh, sorry

Justin: No problem. May I ask what you are doing here so late? School ended half an hour ago.

Evelynn: I know … I forgot my keys at school and can’t get home without them. I’m not sure when my friend will be home.

Justin: These keys? I found them behind the stage while I was putting away some props for the play.

Evelynn: You’re a lifesaver, Justin. Thank you so much!

Evelynn hugs Justin. She looks shocked

Evelynn: I - I need to go

Justin: O - Okay … See you tomorrow?

Evelynn is outside, running again

Evelynn: No, this can’t be happening

She runs to her house and enters. She’s crying now.

Evelynn enters the house. Clarissa and Alvard are arguing

Alvard: Stop being so clingy. I found my story, why does that make you so angry??

Clarissa: I’m not angry because of your story! I just can’t believe you want to leave us here!

Alvard: What am I supposed to do? I can’t write her story, when the girl is moving away

Clarissa: But you’re meant to stay with us.

Alvard: There are no rules against moving and you know it.

Alvard tries to leave the house and runs into Evelynn

Alvard: Sorry, Eve. Clarissa will tell you wha- Are you crying??

Clarissa: Are you okay? What happened?

Evelynn: I - I finished writing my book yesterday

Alvard: But that’s great, isn’t it?

Evelynn: Today in school one of the scenes happened to me.

Clarissa: It might just be a coincidence?

Evelynn: No, Clarissa! The dialogue, the gestures, the … feelings. It was right out of my book.

Alvard: Do you know what that means??

Clarissa: The story you got is your own!

Evelynn: But … that’s terrible. I need to tell the Library.

Alvard: You said you already finished the book

Evelynn: Does that mean I have to live through everything just like the main character??

Clarissa: Not LIKE the main character. You ARE the main character.

Alvard: What did you write for the ending?

Evelynn: The main character plays the lead in the play

Clarissa: Well, seems like you got yourself a new role

Evelynn: But … I don’t know my text.

Alvard: Then learn it.

Evelynn goes to the other side of the room

Clarissa: Everything will be alright, Eve.

Alvard: If you need anything …

Evelynn: No, all I need is to think this through. Alone.

Alvard turns to Clarissa

Alvard: Look, I’m sorry.

Clarissa: No, I’m sorry. It’s your story and you can’t follow it without knowing the main character.

Alvard: Are you saying I should go?

Clarissa: Yes …

Alvard hugs her

Alvard: I’ll miss you

Clarissa: I’ll miss you too

They stop hugging

Clarissa: When do you need to leave?

Alvard: Tomorrow after the play. 

Evelynn is in her room, going up and down

Evelynn: I can’t just leave it be … that’s idiotic. But what am I supposed to do??

Evelynn stops walking for a second

Evelynn: I should go and ask the Library!

She leaves the room

In the living room she runs into Alvard

Alvard: Why the rush? Need to get somewhere?

Evelynn: I need to tell the library. I can’t just keep it to myself, Al. I literally wrote my own story.

Alvard: Just take a breath and think about it for a second. Do you know what the Library is going to do once they find out?

Evelynn: They’ll probably consult me and help-

Alvard: They would take you out of this world.

Evelynn: Yeah, to talk to me. What’s wrong with that?

Alvard: You can’t continue a story without the main character. It will fall apart. Every character you mentioned in the story will … disappear.

Evelynn. I haven’t thought of that …

Alvard: That’s what you have me for.

Evelynn: I know … But what’s gonna happen once the story of the book happened?

Alvard: You go back to the Library and tell them. It’s going to be fine, trust me. You just have to wait until this book is over.

Evelynn: And you really think it will be fine?

Alvard: Of course it will

Alvard hugs Evelynn

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