Defying the Demon Way

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This is requested by @YoungTwinStar, enjoy~!

{Sonic PoV}

Walking out of the libary, I saw a demon kid laying on the ground. "Oh My Word! Are you okay, little one?" I put out my hand to help him up. Not surprised when he smacked my hand away harshly. "Stay away, you are defying our morals! Demons aren't nice!" The kid yelled as he slapped my face, then hit my shoulder.

I felt hurt, like crying, or even...I'm not going to say the other. The kid soon ran away from me, at least to his mom anyway. I walked away sadly, my hands in my jacket that covered my behind and a couple inches lower. I had a pair of bright light green shorts on, the jacket was the light, bright green with the white heart, and long with white long socks with a little cat head on the top.

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I started walking home, once there I knocked on the door

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I started walking home, once there I knocked on the door. "Mom? You home?" I asked as I opened the door. I looked both ways then straight to the kitchen. I moved away from the door, and headed to the kitchen, there was a note by the kitchen's door. It read:

'Dear Baby, 
Mommy needs to head to pick up a bad angel from Heaven, if you would stay inside please, your father will be home in a couple of hours, so don't wear anything inapporite or girly, Kay?
Okay I love you,
Sincerely Mommy'

I smiled, but it disappered to a frown when I realized what she ment. Rape. That's right sexual abuse for being nice? Of course this is Hell, not Heaven....My father's name was Fang, he was a weasel, my mom, Rouge, she's a bat, during a family matter she had to  marry my father, then they adopted me.

Since my mother couldn't have kids, and my father didn't want kids. After some convincing that's when he agreed, that's when they found me in a allie, my father would go on to rape me, my mother cared and loved me, even stood up for me all the time, except when she wasn't home.

"You can stay with us" I heard my mom's voice outside. How long have I been standing here? I heard the knock, and then ran to the door, then opened it. I saw my mom and a ebony and red striped hedgehog. "Baby! I have amazing news!" Mom hugged me on sight. I hugged back, and her hold losened and she let go. 

It only lasted a few seconds, then I let go too. Smiling, Mom went on to say, "Your father's dead," she said joyfully and then continued, "and me and Knucky, you know him, the man I was cheating on your old father?" I nodded then she conitued once again, "We are getting married, and that one "angel" killed Fang" She finally finised by pointing to the ebony fallen angel.

Mom left to call her new husband and my new dad. "Your name?" the fallen angel asked, I turned to him and smiled, he's being so nice! "Sonic, my name is Sonic Maurice Hedgehog-Dark or Knuckles' last name?" I was very confused now.

"Shadow" he chuckled.


"The name's Shadow" he said, I smiled and hugged him. My arms wrapped around his chest. His white wings fading into black, flapped lightly back and forth. "Your just like an angel, aren't you" Huh....I never really thought about how I acted like an angel. ".....Yeah...I guess I do..." I admitted, slowly accepting it. I knew Mom said that a lot but I never heard it from anyone else before.

I felt something on my forehead. My eyes darted up to look at Shadow. He was kissing my forehead! I felt my whole face and body heat up. Then I buried my face in his chest fur I never really noticed he had. "Your are adorable, you now that?" he asked, I felt like my face was becoming hotter. 

He used his hand to lift my chin, our noses touched then he pulled my face closer. That's when we shared a kiss. But not a kissed like a rough kiss my father used. No. He was gentle and passionate about it. I kissed back slowly, then let out a little moan. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he did the same to my waist.

We parted for air, then went back to what we were doing, I could hear my Mom upstairs, the  I heard moaning, my guess was that Knuckles was here and they were having some personal time...I didn't care and moaned as our tongues locked. 

Soon we ended the kiss, silva connecting our tongues. My face was covered with blush. Everything was so nice, maybe I like him. I felt something bite into my shoulder. Soon after a bit of pain, he moved his head away from my neck. He had left a claim mark, a pretty obvious one at that. 

"You're mine, nobody else's"

"I'm all yours, Shadow"

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