~A Deal Among Rivals~

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Okay! Lets do this! This is  AU (Alternate Universe) of Sonic Boom, I'll give a little summary, it's not going to happen alot probably ,[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*  I wanted to make this one, and none people requested it, Meh, Hope you like it!

Summary- Shadow agrees to stay away from the village, thanks to the deal he made with Sonic, in order to keep everyone safe, even Eggman.

Lol! Okay let's do this!


(Sonic PoV)

I sat on the bench waiting and rereading a letter Shadow had left for me.

I wish to speak to you in privet and for the sake of the village, but if you think of bailing....remember I do know where you live. Meet me at the park, an hour after sundown, you aren't allowed to tell anyone, Understood? Good. Come alone, I'll see you there.

I sat there, just waiting, "Ugh! How long is he going to take?!" I scream to littlerly no one in particular. I hated waiting, it was the worse thing for a speedster like me. I inched back untill my back was on the bottom of the seat, where my bottom originally was. 

I soon started to play with the sports tape on my wrists. Then, my brown piece of fabric on my neck. I sprung up when I felt a gush of wind behind me, quickly looking both directions to find the ebony rival of mine to my left. I groaned, "And you told me not to be late" I said making him roll his eyes. 

Then, that eye roll went over to a dark chuckle, "You're earlier then I thought you would be blue hedgehog," He stated getting closer, "you see, I have a deal for you," he held up a bag. I looked at the bag then darting my eyes back to him, crossing my arms. He waited for my answer, I had no clue what he would want.

"What deal?" I asked less interested since his already smug face darkened... He just laughed and handed me the bag in his hands, I took it. Looking in the bag I saw a muzzle, lead, collar, outfit, some bracelets, and hand cuffs. I looked back at him, he was gone.....That's when I felt a hand around my waist and playing with my tail.

I heard a dark laugh come from behind me, I went to punch him but he quickly pinned my hands behind my back, making me drop the bag. I growled, only to have that growl stuck in throat as I felt some thing pull harder around my waist.

I was being pulled away from the open area, away from cameras of the park, if it had any, and other to a dimmly litt forest. "Let go!" I screamed, he sighed and wrapped the hand cuffs from the bag, I had never noticed he had time to grab, and hand cuffed me. I struggled as he turned me around to face him. He smirked at the sight of me in his handcuffs. 

Asshole! I shouted in my head as he grabbed the muzzle and put it on me. "MMhhh!" I bit the piece in my mouth hoping it would break, unfortnuately for me it did the opposite and stayed where it was placed. I could only let out muffled purrs, growls, and hisses. My quills bristled in defense. 

Shadow then pushed me down saying, "Here's my deal, I recently got all seven Chaos Emeralds, I could kill your friends, but here's the place were you come in, you stay with me, and your friends, the village, Eggman, Everyone will be spared" I hated that smug smirk. He slowly crouched down to my level. 

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