Episode 12

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Hello guys. First of all. Thank you for getting this to story to #16 in amourshipping. I had never expected this to go so high. Also, thank you for 600+ views. It means so much to me and gives me so much motivation and drive to write these stories. Now, with all that blabbering out of the way, I present to you episode 12.

Ash: When I first went to Alola, it wasn't that bad. I barely talked with anyone, but if they asked me anything non-personal, I was fine with it. I stayed away from battling as much as possible, though. But there was one girl who stood out to me: Lillie. She was almost as disconnected from the rest of the class as me. All of the students made fun of her. Except for me since I never tried to talk with anyone.
One day she asked me if I would like to be my friend. I tried to avoid the question for some time but then I just got mad and yelled at her. But soon I began to feel very guilty for yelling at her for no reason. So....


Ash: Hey...umm..Lillie?
Ash: Would you like to talk to me about something after school
Lillie: Umm..sure
Later that day
Ash: Hey Lillie
Lillie: ....yeah
Ash: I am sorry for shouting at you the other day. It's not like me at all. All you wanted was my friendship and I sent you away like that. I am terribly sorry.
Lillie: ....I forgive you, Ash
Ash: Thank you Lillie
Lillie:......It's alright
Lillie about to leave 
Ash: Want to talk together sometimes

Flashback ends

Ash: Since that day our bonds became stronger. Lillie was so nice and friendly, that I very quickly warmed up to her. We quickly became friends while started talking to other students as well. Over time, we learnt to trust eachother with our secrets. I told her all about my parents and Pikachu, while..she...
Serena is holding her breath, not knowing what to expect next. This entire tale had shocked her to her very core. She is at a loss for words

Ash: It's bad enough to not have parents and never get to experience their love, but it is worse to have parents and never experience their love. 
Lillie lost her father, Mohn, very early in her life as well. He was sucked into an ultra wormhole during a failed research experiment.
Serena: Ultr-
Ash: They are portals to other dimensions. And these portals contain strange beasts called Ultra Beats. Both of Lillie's parents work in the Aether Foundation which specialises in research of ultra space. Ever since Mohn's death, Lillie's mother Lusamine started acting strange. She distanced herself away from her children, leaving her children at the hands of Aether's Branch President, Faba. Faba was a terrible guardian and beat Lillie and her brother Gladion without any remorse. Lusamine stopped checking up on Lillie and so Lillie was stuck in this situation with no escape. 
Her brother Gladion ran away from home with Aether's experiment for beating this Ultra Beasts, Type: Null; now known as Silvally. That meant that Lillie was alone at home to withstand the cruelty from Faba.
But we were together and we started feeling better. Lillie started feeling happier and so was I. Things started to get even better when Faba started to be away from home a lot. We thought that was a good sign but....
Soon I started to grow feelings for Lillie. I wanted to tell her about it. So, I went to her house but I found that she wasn't there. My heart started too beat fast then I saw a note on her table saying that she has gone to the Aether Paradise. Something told me that it wasn't right. So, I sent out Charizard and flew over there as fast as possible.

What happened there still leaves me speechless. I rushed over there as fast as possible and fought my way to the bottom floor. And there.....
I saw a most hideous jellyfish-like creature and it had absorbed Lillie. I tried to stop it but it went through an Ultra Wormhole back to its own dimension

The Aether scientists, especially Faba, had opened an Ultra Wormhole using Cosmoem's power to bring in the jellyfish like creature, now known as Nihilego. They wanted to use Lillie as bait to draw in Nihilego and observe it.
Upon hearing this, Lusamine was in shock. She collapsed and her health rapidly deteriorated. She had grieved so much about her husband that she neglected her children. I was also aggrieved by this. But I did not give up. Me and Gladion searched all sources to find how to open one again. We took Cosmoem to the Altar of the Moon and there it evolved into Solgaleo. We rode Solgaleo into Nihilego's world and found the one who had abducted Lillie.
We fought it and after a long and hard battle, we defeated it. But then....

Tears come up to Ash's eyes

Ash: What we saw was a heavily drained Lillie, sapped of all her energy
Serena gasps at that
Ash: Nihilego is a parasite. It absorbs all the enegy of its host until there is no more. It had absorbed everything Lillie had except her skin and bones. That day I felt like I lost everything. We brought her back to our world and every day I went to her grave. My pokemon all started to cheer me up but nothing worked. They all started to leave me....all except that the 3 you see right now. All of my acquaintances in Alola tried to cheer me up as well but I wouldn't. 

Eventually my buddies convinced me too leave Alola. So, I joined Kalos Academy in Kloas partly because being in a school environment helps me remind of the good times I had shared with Lillie, partly because....
After some research, it had been found that all the Aether Foundation had researched was not for themselves...but for a criminal organisation centralising in Kalos.
Serena: Team Flare!
Ash: Yes... so I sweared to myself that I will end that organisation once and for all. They have taken everything away from me...and I have nothing to lose.
Ash starts crying

Serena hugs Ash
Serena: It will be alright....
Ash: But how?
Serena: When you have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain.
Serena: And no matter what I will always be by your side
Ash: Thanks Serena
Serena: Your welcome...
Serena releases Ash from hug
Serena: But, why did you trust me with this. Why did you tell me of all people about this.
Ash: Because....you are so kind...you remind me of Lillie. You give me strength and confidence. You selflessly spend so much time with me. And the days when we were little was glorious. I cannot thank you enough for all you have done Serena
Serena starts blushing
Serena: It's fine. 
Serena: But.. don't you think you should let them know you feel better now. After all, your companions in Alola aren't at fault but are so worried about you.
Ash: You know what, I will let them know. 
Ash blushes a little
Ash: Thank you so much Serena...for all you've done. I guess sharing your troubles with someone does indeed make you feel better.
Serena: So, want to hang out today again
Ash: Do you even need to ask

Lysandre: What is it?
Bryony: Sir, I think we have something of interest to you
Lysandre: Ah.... Pleased to make your acuaintance



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