Chapter 3; friendly gestures

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Ethan's pov

As I'm walking to the cafeteria someone joins my side. "Hey Ethan,"

It was Mark. We talked a little after school about the project and also just to get to know each other better.

"What's up?" I ask him. "There's an opening at our table today, wanna sit with me?"

I thought it over in my head. I didn't want to start abandoning my friends but one time wouldn't hurt, right?

Plus Mika did want me to meet them so why not?

"Really? A nerd like me sitting with the big boys?" I ask jokingly.

"Well I have a secret to tell you." Mark says before we walk in the cafeteria. The most popular guy in the school wanted to tell me, Ethan Nestor, a secret? That made me feel.. happy I guess.

"I don't always sit with Jack and all those other people. I have my own close group of friends I eat with."

Instead of going in the cafeteria Mark goes to the computer room. Three guys were in there already. They had packed lunches and were playing a game of Uno.

"What's up?" One of the guys with curly brown hair asks. "Who have you brought into our secret lair?" Another guy questions.

"This is Ethan. He's my science partner." Mark says dragging a desk chair over to their little circle. "I thought we agreed we had to meet them first. I don't even let my girlfriend in here."

I stood there, awkwardly. "I'm sorry but Ethan's cool. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal."

"I can always go back to the cafeteria."I say to them. "No it's fine. Pull up a seat."

I hesitantly pull up a chair. "Yeah I hope I didn't freak you out- ever since Mark got popular we've had to go to great lengths to keep talking to him."

"Yeah being popular is cool and all, but I miss being able to walk the halls unnoticed." Mark explains opening a bag of chips.

"Yeah being popular doesn't sound all that great." I say opening my lunch.

"By the way this is Bob," Bob had short curly hair and glasses. "Then Wade and Tyler." Mark says gesturing to two tall guys. One was super tall and probably did some kid of sport and the other one sat setting up an Uno game.

They start an Uno game which I declined to play. The entire time I just keep thinking why would Mark tell me all of the personal stuff.

He didn't know that much about me and we were just partners in science. It was nice but it made me over think, like always. It just didn't make sense to me.

Everyone was about finished with their lunch and it was about time for the bell to ring.

"You guys don't have to eat in here tomorrow. I promised Jack I'd sit with him." Mark says throwing his trash away.

They give a thumbs up and walk out of the room discussing the last round of Uno. Now it was just Mark and I.

"You guys meet in here often?" I ask him. "Pretty much."

"I know it's weird to ask but why'd you bring me to your secret lunch place if you barely know me?" I needed an answer. Just to settle my nerves.

"Well I figured you'd get overwhelmed by the craziness of the table-since you seem like more of a to yourself kind of guy. So I figured a small group would be better for you."

I can't help help but smile. He really got all of that from our dumb conversations? It made me feel..strange. Maybe the word was.. giddy?

"You really know how to treat a lady." I say jokingly. He smiles at me. "Well see ya, Ethan." He says before walking out.

I walk out and join Mika at our table. Cory and Brandon weren't here, but that wasn't surprising.

"Where were you? Were you with Mark? I just saw him walk in here." Mika asks me, furrowing her brows. I guess she didn't want me to end up like Cory. No one was going to tell him, but him leaving all the time did hurt our feelings. I raise a brow. "No I just ate in the library." I say, hoping to shut down the conversation.

"Why would you do that?" All eyes were on me. "Wait why did you ask if Mark and I were together? We're just science partners." I say trying to change the subject.

"Okay so I might ship you guys.." Mika says. "You haven't even seen us together." I say laughing. "Well that's why I invited Mark to your gymnastics practice.

My eyes go wide. "Mika why would you do that? I told you that no one but you can come to practice with me." I say slightly upset. She didn't even ask me!

"Well I figured it would be fine."

I didn't want her to feel bad so I just shrug it off. "Can you tell him to not come. We're just science partners."

Mika nods and the bell rings.


When I get to practice I was relieved when Mark didn't show up. I worked on simple backflips while Mika goes on a big rant about how the football thing didn't work out.

I was pretending to listen to her, but I was more interested in Mark. Was it weird that I couldn't get him out of my head?

That's just what friends do. They think about each other. Yeah.. this is totally normal.

"Right Ethan?" I snap back into reality. "What?"

"Are you even listening to me?" Mika asks me. I get off of the practice stage and join her. "I am now."

"Let's go to your place. I like your room better than the gym." Mika suggests swinging her bag over her shoulder.


We left the gym and walk to my house. It was only a five minute walk. I didn't mind walking because it gave me time to clear my head.

When we get to my house we go in my room and close the door.

"So I was saying that I was really obsessed with this guy and so I asked him if he wanted to hang out,"

"And he said yeah so I dress up a little and we meet up at this little place and he's there with some other girl."

"So I walk up to him and he acts like he didn't agree to meet me there. So that sucked."

"Yeah I bet." It came out more harsh that I wanted it to, but I couldn't help it. Hearing about other people's realtiobship problems left a sout taste in my mouth. Mika knows I don't like hearing about her relationship drama. I wouldn't mind, but I've never felt that way about anyone and it just makes me feel upset or like something was wrong with me.

"Sorry, I know how you feel about my relationship problems." Mika quietly.

"It's whatever. Anyway I have stuff to do so you should probably get going."

"Yeah alright see ya later." She says giving me a hug.

Once she leaves I decide to journal. I was working on a few songs and I wrote in a diary type thing.

When I open up to a blank page the only thing I can think about is Mark. Since it was bothering me I write it down.

Why do I keep thinking about him?

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