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Sep. 14, 12:07

Age: 16

"My favorite season is fall, you know."

"How come?"

"Because all the trees shed their leaves and it's like their shedding all their old regrets, and feelings, and worried. It's like they're getting rid of their pasts so they can start completely over again."

"That's a very deep and beautiful reason, Cally! Holy shit."

"Uh, t-thanks."

"Baby, have you ever thought about going into writing or something?"

"What? No way! I'm not smart enough for that. I'm getting through high school and that's it. No more school."

"Oh, well I think that's a real shame."

"Trust me, it's not. I'm definitely not a good enough writer."

Calum is me. I am Calum.

Stay Lovely. XXX- Hayley

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