Surprise! Halloween Special

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Oct. 31, 12:01

"Taegan's asleep. Her face is absolutely disgusting," Ashton cringed as he felt his five year old daughter's chocolate covered face rub against his shoulder.

That wasn't coming out.

The blue temporary dye in her dark hair had substantially faded from the beginning of the night. She was Emily from Corpse Bride; her latest obsession. She had also broken the rule of 'no candy until we get home', and she definitely broke the 'two candies per day' rule. Unfortunately, Calum was too weak to resist his precious daughter every time she asked for a piece.

"Daddy," Jude said, pulling on Calum's hand, "When we get home can I watch a scary movie?"

Before Calum could answer, Ashton interjected, "Absolutely not."

"Awe," his little Ninja Turtle whined, "But I won't be scared! I promise."

"You heard what dad said," Calum replied, ruffling his son's hair. He added a quiet, "Wait till he falls asleep tonight," and Jude grinned.

In the stroller sat their youngest child, a small blonde girl with wide blue eyes dressed as the queen of hearts. She was two and her hair was cut short due to the fact that she had hacked off half of it with scissors she found under the couch. So, Ashton pulled out some last minute hair cutting skills and made the best pixie cut he could manage. She was fast asleep as Calum pushed her home.

"God, exactly how far away do we live," Calum groaned. His Jack Skellington suit was getting itchy beyond belief and the face paint was getting in his eyes.

"Only one more street," His husband soothed, rubbing his daughter's back. His patched together pants (Taegan insisted that him and Calum match since everyone else's parents were going to match) were dirty and riding up, but he didn't mind.

He was happy. Happy to be taking all his kids out for Halloween; happy to be in a matching costume with his lovely husband; happy he didn't have to work today; and just generally happy with his life.

"Happy Halloween, Cally."

"Yeah, Happy Halloween, Ashy." 

"What about Judey?"

They all laughed.


*cue AHS Coven scene*

I hope you all are happy about this! I really missed writing for midnight and decided I wanted to do a little something special for everyone (and myself).

Tell me what you think! Remember, I still love feedback.

Miss you and love you!

Stay Lovely. XXX-Hayley

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