What's Going On?

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Adrien was in a nice small office nothing like his Fathers (Cold, grey and unkind) but more like being in the Dupain-Cheng bakery (Loving, sweet and friendly)

Adrien looked around the room and noticed the walls were painted bright blue with a number of cat posters a desk in the middle with a computer and other staff you will see on a desk and also a Spider Man Comic Book.

Adrien picked up the comic book and open the first page when the door opened and a woman in her 70s came in and closed the door behind her "Sorry for keeping you waiting" the woman sat in her chair "I see you found Spiderman"

"Oh I was just looking at it" Adrien put the comic down

"It's ok its for the kids to read. Now then I know you are wondering whats going on?"

Adrien nodded

"I will start off with my name I'm Sofia Pond, you met my Daughter earlier today"

"She was really nice" Adrien said he looks at Sofia "Whats going on?"

"We received an email from an unknown person, we have no idea who this person is and are doing everything to stay hidden but we do know that he or she wants to help"

"What did the email say?"

"It talked about how Gabriel doesn't let you interact with kids your age, forces you to do things you don't want and threatens that he will remove you form school and that just the start"

"So whats going to happen to me?"

"Well in 7 days theres going to be a hearing in which a jury will decided if Gabriel is fit to be a parent. During which you will be spending time with a nice family"

Adrien took a deep breath shocked that he was going to be living with unknown family.

Adrien was in a dark living room where Mr and Mrs and Daughter all hidden in the dark where telling him big news "Because we live on the other side of Paris you are going to the same school our Daughter goes to a super strict boarding school in the middle of nowhere"

"B-but I can't. I need to be hear in Paris"

"Of corse dear" said Mrs "You only need to be in Paris because your Cat Noir"

Adrien gasped "We know" said Mr and "I am Hawk Moth" "NO, you can't me."

Daughter then pulled Adrien close to her and pulled the ring of him and put it on her finger which cause Plagg to appear "What do I need to say to transform?"

"I'll never tell" Daughter clicked her fighters and Mrs pick up a hammer and broke Adrien's hands making him scream "Tell me" "It's Plagg Claws Out"

"Thank you, Plagg Claws Out" now transformed she looked at Adrien "I will find Ladybug, get super close to her so much that she wants to get into my pants then I will destroy her"


"I already did" she then put her hand on his chest "Cataclysm" she said in pure evil in her voice which cause Adrien to be turned into dust but not before hearing the evil laugh of Mr,Mrs and Daughter.

"Now you don't need to worry" Sofia said bringing Adrien out of this throughs

"You will be happy to know that the Durand's are super nice people are here they are"

She stood up and opened the door where a Mr and Mrs Durand stood

"Sofia, it's so lovely to see you again", "You two" the two have a loving hug "Place still hasn't change"

Adrien saw the 3 grown ups talking he smiled knowing that they were not evil

"Adrien Agreste I want you to meet Jenna and Clive Durand"

A/N: Another chapter done and this is the last of the short chapters as the next one will be long as that is where it really begins as in the next chapter Adrien meets the Durand's we meet their Daughter, Adrien makes Pizza and we bring Marinette into the story.

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