Finding Out

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Dawn broke in Paris and an alarm clock went off in Adrien's room. Adrien turned it off sat up and yawned he notice it was 6:15am "Time for a brand new day" he whispered then he opened the curtains
"Adrien it's too damned early, go back to sleep" Marinette moaned while pulling the duvet cover to protect herself from the sunlight.

"Our train leaves in 75 minutes and there's shower and breakfast beforehand, I'm going to take a quick shower then you can" Adrien left to take his shower
"Tikki what time is it?"

"Babe you're alarm clock is going off" Abby said, Enid moaned and turned it off and turned to her side looking at her girlfriend "Morning sweetie", "It's too fucking early"
Enid giggles and kisses Abby on the lips.

Both girls were naked as they had sex the night before which mostly happens when either of them has a sleepover with each other on lazy days they like nothing better then spending as much time in bed happily having naked cuddling.
Since they could spend a little more time before getting up they had a nice cuddle with Abby rubbing Enid back "Someone in the shower", "Oh yeah and is that singing"
Enid and Abby listened closely where they could hear Adrien singing Everybody by Backstreet Boys "Oh bless him, he can't sing"
"That's my Brother you're talking about" they then both laugh.

Adrien got out of the shower dried himself and open the door to see Marinette smirking and holding a towel "Everybody Yeah", "Please tell me that you didn't hear me singing" Adrien asked totally embarrassed "The walls are not that thick"
"Oh my god", "It okay and your a light sleeper which meant you didn't hear Enid and Abby having sex"

Just then Enid bedroom door burst opened to reveal an embarrassed Enid who had a blue dressing gown on "I'm so sorry, we were too loud"
Marinette peak her head inside Enid bedroom and saw Abby happily waving at her, she wave back "Well for starters, I can see your breasts, all of your clothes are on the floor and that looks like a double headed dildo"

7:15am Adrien and Marinette rushed to the train station to catch their train, they made it just in time a second later and they would have missed the train, they sat down in the last available seats as it was rush hour on a Monday.

Stepping out of the train station they raced to Marinette home, it had to be a quick visit as class started in only 5 minutes before class started.
Marinette raced through the bakery giving a quick hello and goodbye while Adrien had a small chat with Tom.

Alya was busy checking her phone "Come on Girl where are you?"
"Marinette running late again?" Nino asked, Alya nodded "I'm guessing Dude has a last minute photoshoot"
At that moment Adrien and Marinette came rushing in, completely out of breath and holding hands.
"Good to see both of you here" Mr French the school replacement teacher said
"Girl, you're holding hands with Adrien and you both arrived at the same time" Adrien and Marinette quickly let go of their hands

"You can talk during break as we do have lessons"
"I've got something really important to say" said Adrien
"Can it wait until break?" asked Mr French
"Its game changing"
"Great" Adrien stood in front of the class and clapped his hands to get everyone attention
"I've got some huge news to tell you that is going to change everything"
"Your Father is pulling you out of School"
"You're moving to another country"
"None of them"
Adrien looked at Marinette who nodded
"On Saturday Child Protective Services removed me from Gabriels care"
At that moment all hell broke loose with everyone wanting to know what Adrien meant luckily a very loud whistle brought the room to peace and quiet "Continue Adrien", "Thanks Mari, as I was saying, I am no longer in Gabriel care as he is a shitty parent who broke way too many child labor laws so I am now living with a loving family instead"

"The family really nice" Marinette butted in
"Girl you knew about this?"
"I told Marinette on Saturday and she had a sleepover last night"
"Dude why didn't you tell me, I'm your best bud?"
"I wanted to tell you in person"
"Oh okay"
Adrien then showed photos of his new family and told them that he can now have friends over which got loud cheers. Then it was time for lessons.

-------------------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------------------
Cat Noir was send flying into a car by The Akuma who was floating his way towards him "Bring me your Miraculous" Cat Noir was too weak to move and would have been all over if Ladybug didn't appear and pick him up bride style and jumped to a safe place to stay.
Ladybug took Cat Noir to a safe place "Don't worry Kitty, I'll get help"

Enid and Abby were sitting by the Trocadero happily eating chips, Abby took two chips and stuck them in her mouth, placing each one on each side of the mouth "Hey Enid look, I'm a Walrus"
Enid giggles "You are such an idiot", Abby eats the chips "Yeah, but I'm your idiot" she then gives Enid a quick kiss on the lips.

Suddenly from the corner of Enid eyes she saw Ladybug flying to behind a pillar she quickly rush towards her with Abby close behind her
"Ladybug what seems to be the matter?" asked Enid
"Well I only need one of you so" Ladybug brought out a Miraculous Box "Enid Durand or Abby Long here is the Miraculous of the Fox which gives you the power of Illusion, once the job is done you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?"
Both Enid and Abby stared at the box which was in Ladybugs hands "Have to hurry you up"
"Babe you should do it"
Enid looks at her girlfriend "Why me?"
"Because I know martial arts"
"If you know martial arts, then you should have the Miraculous"
"I would like too but maybe I can help you with this mask that I brought from the corner shop"
Enid took the box form Ladybug and opened it, she and Abby covered their eyes from the bright orange light to come face to face with Trixx the Kwami
"Hello my name is Trixx, your Kwami and which one of you is my new owner"
"That would be me" said Enid who puts the necklace on "Well then do you know what my powers are"
"Making illusions"
"Just say Trixx Let's Pounce"
"Trixx Let's Pounce" suddenly Trixx was pulled into the Miraculous changing Enid, tank top and trousers to an orange and white leather all in one suit.
"Babe you look Wicked"
"Orange looks good on me"
"What should I call you?"

Cat Noir was dodging blasts from the Akuma, he hid behind a van "Where are you Bugaboo?"
"Not so good at hiding" Cat Noir looked up to see the Akuma on top of the car looking down at him, then the akuma was wrapped in yo-yo and threw the Akuma off the car.
Cat Noir looked up to see Ladybug, an unknown Fox Miraculous Hero and a girl wearing a blue mask.
"Nice for you to drop by" Cat Noir said walking towards the heroes "Cat Noir nice to meet you" Cat Noir kisses Foxy's hand "Foxy", "And you", "Im a mute I don't talk"
"I'll call you Mutey"
"Is he always like this"
"All the time"

------------------------------------SKIP TO AFTER AKUMA BATTLE--------------------------------------------
"Trixx Let's Rest" Foxy became Enid Durand again "Thanks Ladybug" She hands the Miraculous to Ladybug who puts it away in her yo-yo.
"No worries and Bug Out" she swings away leaving Enid and Abby alone "Ladybug totally Marinette" said Abby who took a sip from an apple juice carton "Your right, how come no one has realise"
"Because everyone in Paris are dumb idiots"
"Same voice, same hair style"
"Marinette doesn't wear pigtails anymore"
"Same height"
"You know what this means?"
"If one of us gets akumatize then Hawk Moth and the world will know who Ladybug is"
"No Adrien is in love with Marinette which means that you and Ladybug are going to be future Sister in Laws"

Later that evening Ladybug and Cat Noir were relaxing on a roof, Ladybug handed Cat Noir a bottle of clear apple juice, Ladybug had her own "Cheers"
They both happily talked and talked about things in life "Shit it half 12 I should get going, see you at the next akuma My Lady"

Cat Noir landed in his bedroom "Claws Inn" he handed Plagg a piece of camembert but Plagg ate it but sense something was wrong and he was right as the bedroom light was turned on, Adrien gasped when he saw Enid Durand in his bedroom
"Hello Brother or should I say Cat Noir"

A/N: I know the akuma battle wasn't exciting but I not good at writing battles and can't think of good names which is why I didn't give the akuma a name.
Also Alya already knows that she won't be Rena Rouge again after Miracle Queen and totally understands, she is trying to get an interview with Foxy for her Blog.

Next Chapter: Adrien deals with the cliffhanger and Marinette and Abby go clothes shopping. 

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