Talking About The Past

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Warning there is Sexual Talk

Adrien was completely stunned as his sister just saw him detransforms from Cat Noir to Adrien Agreste.
Adrien being the dumb person he is decided to do the who Cat Noir?
"Im Adrien"

Enid huffed "I'm not an idiot"
Adrien opened his mouth
"And I'm not going to tell anyone"

"Oh thank god, its just that the previous guardian had this stupid rule that me and Ladybug had to give up our miraculous if anyone found out our identities"

Enid sat on Adrien bed, Adrien sat next to her "That the most stupidest thing I have ever heard, especially if that means that yours and Ladybug Miraculous will be in the hands of those who don't understand or know how to use it meaning that Hawk Moth can become more powerful beating them and destroying the world"

"Well thankfully Ladybug got rid of that rule when she became guardian"
"Quick question"
"Go ahead"

"Cat Noir is known for being in love with Ladybug but you love Marinette so what change?"
"Ladybug was the first person that I met when I became Cat Noir, I knew there was something special about her and when she gave that amazing speech to the people of Paris from the Eiffel Tower"
"I remember watching it at a friends house"
"That was the moment I fell in love with Ladybug"

"I'm guessing Ladybug didn't feel the same way"
"No I tried many times but she rejected me more than once saying she was in love with another boy. So I knew that I would never be with Ladybug so I had to move on and decided to move on with my fencing partner Kagami Tsurugi. It made sense as we got on really well and both Gabriel and her Mother were great friends and business partners, it seem like the perfect plan Adrien Agreste dating a famous fencer daughter, but it didn't work out due to Kagami wanting to go fast and me taking it slowly and with me being Cat Noir, being there for Ladybug after the whole Miracle Queen thing and my friendship with Marinette getting better so she broke up with me

"Is she okay?" Enid asked Adrien
"Kagami doing great, she found a girlfriend but her relationship with her Mother is officially over" Adrien said with sadness in his voice
Enid's left knee started to shake, Adrien noticed and put his hand on it "Are you okay?"
"It just makes me angry, me being a bi woman, she doesn't deserve this"
"I know what you mean, it's the 21st century and if my kids came out as gay, bi, trans etc I would be pound and love them as much as I loved them before.
"You will be a great Dad" Adrien blushed

"Kagami doing great, she living with her Girlfriend and her parents and is super happy"
"That's good to hear"
"If you want to, you and Kagami can meet up, she likes making friends"
"I'll like that very much"

-----------------------------------NEXT DAY-------------------------------------------------------
Students came out of the school gates, all happily talking happy that another day of learning is over.
Adrien was talking with the boys (Nino, Kim, Max, Ivan, Nathaniel and Marc) when Nino tapped Adrien on the shoulder "Dude who's that girl?"
Adrien saw the girl leaning by the lamp post "That's Abby Long, she dating my Sister"

Adrien waves to Abby who walks towards them, she and Adrien have a hug "Everyone I want you all to meet Abby Long"
Hands were shaken, "Didn't know you were coming"
"I'm meeting a friend and here she is"
"Hi Abby"
The boys turned to see Marinette happily talking towards Abby, they have a fist bump "We're going shopping"
"You know trying on clothes, talking things girls like to talk about etc,etc" Abby said to Adrien

----------------------------------SHOPPING CENTRE-------------------------------------------------
Marinette and Abby happily shopped until they dropped. They went into many clothes stores and tried on clothes, t-shirts, trousers you name it.
They were just about to leave the 10th store when Abby noticed a nice dress in fact (The one Ana de Armas is going to wear in No Time To Die) "Marinette, i'm going to try on this dress" Abby said, grabbing the dress and rushing to the changing room before Marinette could respond.
Marinette just rolled her eyes and looked at the dresses "Might me nice to pick one for myself"

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