The Durand's

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Adrien stood up and walked towards Jenna and Clive Durand. He puts his hands out "Mr and Mrs Durand. It's really nice to meet you" Adrien said while shaking Jenna and Clive's hand.
"It's really nice to meet you too Adrien and you don't need to worry about calling us Mr, Mrs, Sir or Madam. You don't need to be perfect"
"Really?" Adrien said with hope in his eyes.

That was all Adrien needed before he pulled himself onto Jenna giving a loving hug, tears coming down his face with the only sound being Adrien silence sobs.
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Its just Father would always tell me that I should keep my feelings to myself, that emotions are a form of weakness but in the few seconds you have been here, you have shown more kindness than my father ever as"

"Now you listen here" Clive said "It's okay to feel sad, angry. It's not a weakness but a part of being human and no one's perfect. I wasn't, my wife even Enid our daughter but that's okay because I love my family no matter what".

"Adrien pulled away from Jenna wiping his eyes "Thank you"

It's fair to say that Adrien really likes Jenna and Clive
They were both in their late 40s, white skin with brown hair, Jenna had long hair and green eyes and Clive was bald with brown eyes, both wearing normal everyday clothes.

"We just have a few more things to go over before everyone can go" Sofia said as she handed papers and a pen to Adrien, Jenna and Clive "Read through it and then sign at the bottom"
The plan was that Adrien would be spending a week at the Durand's with check ups to see how he was living with his new family while Gabriel was being looked into with a hearing planned for next Sunday.

-------------------------------------------DURAND HOME--------------------------------------------------
"Well here we are said Clive as he turned the key into the lock and open the door "Wow" said Adrien "Feel homely"
"That's the point of a home" said Jenna
"Mum, Dad is that you?" Enid called from the kitchen
Enid came out of the kitchen she was 15 years old with wavy hair wearing a blue tank top and red shirt "I'm guessing you're my new brother"
"Just for a week but hopefully longer" The two smiled and shake hands
"Not to be rude but you look like famous model Adrien Agreste"
"That's me. You're not going to go all crazy like my fans"
"No, couldn't care less about you being famous, Im your sister and I will protect you so if anyone hurts you, I will beat their fucking asses"

"Okay then" said Clive "Do I smell baking?"
"Homemade Chocolate Brownies"
Adrien and Clive's faces lit up
"Which you will be having for dessert"
There faces fell

"I'll show you to your room" Enid said as she lead Adrien upstairs "Just take your shoes off before you head upstairs"
Adrien took his shoes off then holding his bag followed Enid upstairs. He noticed pictures of the family on the wall "Is this your family?"
"Yes, if you want to I can show you the family album"
"That will be great"
Reaching the top of the stairs Adrien saw 4 rooms and another pair of stairs
"Okay so Bathroom is right next to us, then it's my room, then yours and My Dad Study and Mum and Dad bedroom and Bathroom upstarts"
Enid showed Adrien his bedroom "And this is your room"

Adrien went in and fell in love as this wasn't like his old bedroom and huge prison with all the gadgets a child could want but a loving place with a bed, books, Adrien knew he could spend a lot of time in here. "It's wonderful"

"I'll be in my room if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask"

Enid left, Adrien closed the door and sat on his bed, he opened his shirt to let him know that Plagg could come out.
"Nice place but they better have cheese"
"Really Plagg that all you care about"
"I care more than Cheese, like how are you holding up?"
"Truth be told, a lot better than I thought I would be, doesn't help that our relationship was getting worst"

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