Adrien's Future

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Warning the word Scum is used 

Today was the day that would determine how Adrien would live the rest of his life as an Agreste or Durand? If he became a Durand he will be happy with a family that clearly loves him as a person who treated him like a normal teenager not a prize trophy like Gabriel Agreste did.

In the past week he has felt more happiness than he ever did as in the 15 years as an Agreste where he had to act perfect all the time to every person even if they didn't deserve it like Lila but had two because if he was even 99% perfect then gabriel would take away the limited freedom he has. 

Adrien was so lost in thought that he didn't realise his name was being called.

"Hur""Adrien are you ok?" Adrien saw Marinette in front of him along with the Durand's, Marinette parents and his friends. They were at the courthouse and all dressed up in their finest clothes.

Sofia Pond then came of the door in front of Adrien "Five minute warning" 

"Whatever happens Adrien, we will always be here for you" said Enid Adrien smiled knowing that he had the one thing that Gabriel could never give him 'Love' Adrien knew he needed to the most important thing and needed to be done before the judge determined his future "Marinette can we speak in private please" "Sure Adrien but it needs to be quick"

Adrien leads Marinette to the boys Bathroom locking the door so they were both face to face with each other a toilet right by them "You okay Adrien?" Marinette started to worry "I need to get this out and if I don't I won't ever forgive myself especially if Gabriel gets custody of me" Marinette took hold of Adrien hand "Marinette you are the most wonderful person that have ever lived, you make me so happy and I want you to know that you mean the world to me" Marinette started to blush "Adrien are you saying what I think you are saying?" "I love you Marinette" Marinette grasp "Are you going to say something?"

Marinette pushed Adrien up the wall while giving him a huge kiss, Adrien was shocked that the love of his life was kissing him but returned the kiss with more passion. 

"Wow" "I've had feelings for you ever since you gave me your umbrella""But that was" "Yep""Why didn't you say anything" "Well I was scared that you would reject me and because of that we wouldn't be friends and Hawk Moth would akumatized me""Marinette I would never hate you especially if a world where I don't know you is a world I don't want to live in"Marinette smiled then took a deep breath "It was probably a good thing that we didn't end up together as there are some things I have done that I'm not pound off" "There's nothing bad about you"

"I wasn't just in love with you, I was obsessed with you"


Marinette then told him everything about her wall planner to all the people that got akumatized because of her trying to get with Adrien.

Oh"Marinette put her arms across her chest "Oh, oh I just admitted I have been stalking you and oh is all you can say" "Well it is wrong that you did those things but you admitted your mistakes which is really hard to do and I can see your gotten better"

"Lots of therapy"

-------------------------------COURTROOM-------------------------------------------------------------------------Marinette and Adrien came in and sat down in their seats just before everyone had to stand up for the Judge before sitting down again."Ok" said the Judge "We are here today to work out where the best place for Adrien is to live with The Durand's or his Father"

Adrien took a deep breath in and out "Will Adrien Agreste please come up to the stand"

Adrien sat down at the stand and for the first time in over a week he saw Gabriel Agreste his Father sitting next to his lawyer looking the same as he always does but more angry.Sofia stands in front of Adrien "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god"

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