Adrienette Day Out

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This chapter takes place 2 days after the last chapter.

Marinette was helping out at the bakery, it was quite busy but had died down.
Marinette saw a mother and her young son in the bakery. The boy was only 4 years old and was wearing a Carapace costume.

The boy was looking at the many types of treats "If I may the cupcakes are super nice and I heard a rumour that Carapace of these cupcakes"
The boys face lift up "Mum I want the cupcakes","Ok then one Carapace cupcake please"
"Coming right up" Marinette put the cupcake in a paper bag before giving it to the boy "Thank you"
"Your welcome"

A short while later Marinette phone rung so she went outside to answer it "Hello"
"Marinette hi"
"Hey Adrien whats up"
"I was wondering if you wanted to hand out with me this afternoon as a fun fair"

Marinette poke her head in and yelled "Can I go with Adrien to the fun fair?"
"My Dad said yes"

---------------------Adrien's Bedroom---------------------------
Adrien put the phone away then looked at Enid and Abby "Well" said Enid "What did she say?"
A huge smile came across Adrien face "She said yes"

Enid and Abby looked at each other then gave Adrien a huge hug "My little brother got a date"
"It's not a date we just friends"
"Please tell me you're not going back to just a friend?" Plagg said who was laying on Adrien's bed
"Plagg, I still love Marinette"
Plagg did a sigh of relief

"Im sorry but I don't understand what's going on" said Abby
"It's simple really my owner was really confused about his feelings for Pigtails, he was so in love with Ladybug that any time any through he had feelings for Marinette he would say Marinette's just a friend"

---------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------
Marinette was sitting by her mirror brushing her hair she was wearing a red peplum crop top that was wanted to try on
"Ready for your date with Adrien?" asked Tikki who was taking a bite out of a cookie
Marinette rolled her eyes "It's not a date, we are just going as friends"

Tikki flew next to Marinette "I'm proud of you Marinette, being there for Adrien as his friend, you have change for the better in the last few months"
"Thanks Tikki and it was right for me to go therapy because if I didn't then I would have done something unforgiving"
"The good thing you learned from your mistakes"
"If only I could warn my younger self and be Adrien's friend from our first meeting"

"Marinette Adrien's here" Sabine calls "Coming Mum"

Adrien was happily talking with Tom and Sabine about his new family
"There really amazing and make me feel like a member of the family"
"That's amazing Adrien" said Tom
"It's amazing that your much happier now" said Sabine

"Hey Adrien"
Adrien looked at the stairs where Marinette was and his mind became the love background that you see in the show "W-wow M-marinette you look beautiful"
Marinette walk down the stairs towards Adrien "You don't look too bad yourself"
Adrien was wearing a new blue shirt and jacket that he brought a few days ago.

"So ready for the adventure of your life?"
"Of course I am Mr Durand"

------------------------------Fun Fair-----------------------------
Adrien was at the park where the fun fair was being held. He heard laughter and happiness in other words Gabriel's nightmare
"So first fun fair?" asked Marinette. Adrien nodded
Marinette held out her hand "What to step in together?" she asked with a cute smile which Adrien took her hand with a smile of his own and they went.

"So where first?' asked Marinette
"Um bumper cars"

They got into a green bumper car, put their seat belts on, then worked together on having fun bumping into other cars. It was weird for the others there to have your number car being hit with another bumper cars driven by Adrien Agreste.
Afterwards they got candy floss and hot dogs happily eating them along with other foods that Gabriel would never let Adrien see in a thousand years, they went on the Helter Skelter, Spinning Teacups they went on pretty much everything.

Adrien was in the toilet throwing up "Why do I feel so bad"
"That was happens when you eat too much" Marinette said learning outside
"These are all new foods I needed to try"
"Then don't eat then all at once and you need to take a dumb someone where else as its smells like vomit in here"

After giving Adrien some bottle water it was time to go home, walking hand in hand the two friends happily talked about everything that came to mind until an important question
"Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"The hearing in which it will be decided if I will be a Durand or Agreste for the rest of my life"
"You seem worried"
They had stopped walking and where a few meters from the shopping centre
"What if Gabriel has gotten to the judge and I am put back in his care, he will keep me prisoner in that cold grey prison, never to see my friends again"
Marinette gave Adrien a hug, wiping a tear from his eye "Adrien Durand you will never go back into that mansion again as there is no way that Gabriel will ever be allowed to be near you again with the many rules he broken and using a terrorist to spy on you"

Suddenly the sky became grey and it started to thunder then started to rain, Adrien and Marinette burst out laughing "It's coming down really fast, we're going to be" Marinette umbrella was under them "Dry"
Adrien noticed the umbrella was the one he gave to Marinette when he became her friend.
"Is that my old umbrella?"
"Sure is"

Adrien and Marinette run all the way to Adrien home both were soaking wet
"Well i'll see you tomorrow then"
"Yeah tomorrow"
Marinette gave Adrien a cheek kiss
"Bye Adrien" she started to walk home but Adrien knew he had to confess his feelings towards her
"Marinette wait" Marinette stops and turns around "Yes Adri" she was cut off my Adrien giving her a huge kiss, she drops the umbrella on the floor and pulls Adrien closer to her all while they keep kissing
Adrien was brought out of the throughs he was Marinette with her umbrella looking at him smiles and all
"Get home safely"

Next Chapter: The hearing, Gabriel returns will Adrien become an Agreste or Durand and can he confess his feelings towards Marinette.

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