Im back bitches.

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A/N: I'm now finding it weird how the queen got impregnated by the number 1 villain but who cares am I right?

~Izuku's Pov.~

The helicopter landed back at U.A. And I happily jumped off but only to immediately be grabbed by All might and him lifting me into the air by my School shirt.

I guess no one knows I'm innocent yet, Nezu must of went straight to prison to let me out.

"What it my mistake of a successor doing here?!" His voice boomed.

"Not going to lie, that kind of hurt." I spoke while kicking him in the face backflipping to the ground landing in a crouch.

"Just seeing you makes me miss prison." I told him standing up straight seeing my class surrounding us now.

"Oh and your 'mistake of a successor', great way to speak to a child by the way, was proven innocent, so he's rejoining school here. He also got to see Nezu cry, which was hilarious, I need to thank my mother for that." I replied to his previous question leaving him speechless.

"Hey guys, I'm back bitc-" I didn't finish my sentence as I receive a smack to the back of the head that shit me up.

The class were now bowing and I realised why so I turned around.

"Wowww, I've never seen the class show so much respect." I said proudly.

"Bow, you ducking nerd, that's THE Queen." Yes Kacchan said Ducking being mindful not to swear in her highnesses presence.

"No kacchan. I would rather do this." I told him tackling my mother into a hug making us fall to the grass as all the class gasped and scolded me for disrespect and being a villain, 'attacking the queen'.

"What the hell are you doing?" -Kacchan.

"You villain!" -Momo

"How dare you ATACK THE QUEEN!" -Iida.

After iidas comment me and my mothers started laughing while sitting up still hugging each other.

Completely ignoring the class we started to talk.

"Zuzu, you are getting to old for this." She told me while laughing.

"Nope, never! I get to see you 14 days a year if I see you more than this is what you get." I pouted.

"Yes, yes. Well, how was prison?" She asked me kind of angry.

"Don't be mad, it was...... AWESOME." I paused for dramatic effect before answering.

I heard confused chatter behind me but payed no mind as I stood up helping my mother up too.

"How so?" She asked.

"I met dad and made life long friends, who also happen to be the people I arrested." I told her making her giggle again.

"You arrested them, then became best friends, that's so like you Zuzu."

We turn around and remember the class was still there, no longer bowing but instead observing.

"Oh, I forgot about you guys." I nervously chuckled rubbing the back of my neck.

"H-how are you talking do casually to t-the Q-queen?" -Kaminari.

I turn to mother giving her a questioning look, receiving a nod, I faced my classmates again.

"Let me formally introduced myself...
Hi, I'm Prince Izuku Midoriya Britannia." I bowed to my class and saw loads of them with guilty and shocked and hurt faces.

"Hello, I'm Queen Elizabeth Midoriya Britannia, Izuku's real mother." She spoke bowing to them aswell, receiving more gasps and guilty looks.

"Ha, you just bullied the prince. Your lucky mother doesn't hold grudges." I chuckled out.

"I'm so sorry Izu please take me back!" Momo burst through the crowd begging in front of me.

"Didn't I tell you I was gay?" I questioned.

"Wait, is it for that guy you are always talking about, kac-" I put my hand over her mouth stopping her but it was probably to late anyway:

"Yes, but shush. He doesn't know." I tell her getting a slight nod.

I remove my hand but she immediately yelled...

"IT'S FOR KACCHAN!!!" And ran into the school passing all the students.

"SERIOUSLY MOTHER, UNCOOL!" I shouted back about to run after her when I felt a hand on my wrist.

"Yes?" I asked turning back to be met face to face with Kacchan.

"O-oh h-h-hi k-K-k-Kacchan." I stuttered out, blushing a deep red.

"I like you to." He spoke surprisingly softly.

He leant down as I leant forward, our lips met in the middle, it was complete and utter bliss and I loved every second of it.

Nothing like when I kissed Momo.

After we pulled away, I realised something else that I haven't told him yet.

"Hey, I don't know if this is a deal breaker but......... I have a daughter." I looked down expecting him to be mad.

"That Eri girl that you saved right, I will be the best fucking dad for her." He told me bringing my eyes up to his.

"Thank you for this, I know I'm a lot. My mums the queen, my dads in prison, I'm a prince, I have a daughter, I'm trying to hook Aizawa up with my Aunt."

"What was that last one?" He asked me glaring at me for a second.

"N-nothing." I said pulling his collar to kiss him again.

"BAKUDEKU IS REAL!!!!" I heard as I pulled away.

"THATS WHAT MY DAD CALLED IT!" I shouted back to Mina.

"See I told you all that it was a great ship name." Mina pointer at all the other girls minus Momo.

"Jeez you sound like overhaul and stain." I giggled out.

Suddenly everyone was glaring at me again.

"What! They were shipping queens, you had to be there." I said Turing around and running after my mother pulling Kacchan with me.

Leaving Momo crying on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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