Shitty Assembly p1/4

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The stupid assembly is today. Izu fucking over did it in yesterdays training so hes a fucking cat today. My partner is a fucking adorable fur ball! What's a fucking cat good for!? Izu's sleepy meow from my head pulls me out of my thoughts. The whole fucking school is here. The shitty assembly started with Rat saying shit I didn't care about.

Then it went to Hobo and Loudmouth telling everyone that all love is love and other shit I already knew. Bondage steeped up next ending the speech portion by calling up my shitty class and the fucking loser dicks. Giant ass flatscreen TVs were lowered into the  assembly hall after Bondage said some shit, I wasn't listening. Nerd was purring on my head. Cute. "Bakubro! You ready for this!" Shitty hair yelled, slinging his arm around my neck like we're friends or some shit. "Tch. Yeah whatever." I answered walking ahead of him. Round face and Ponytail were handing the losers slips of paper as we walked to the shitty gym.

"Ribbit. Katsuski! Ribbit." Frog girl hopped to me.


"Here. Ribbit." She hands me a slip of paper with the Nerds name on it.

"Oi! What the fuck is this?"

"Your partner for the training. Ribbit." She said with a fucking smile. Tch I walked away. The Nerd sleeping on my head. Some banana haired extra with the losers got all pissy with his partner being a guy.

"Kat, a little help." Raccoon Eyes asked, pulling me towards the extra.

"Oi! Shitty extra shut up. It's a fucking training sim." I grumble. Not caring.

"Oh, that's easy for your gay ass. I'm more sophisticated than some gay slum." The banana extra snears.

"Your the fucking extra that hurt Izu?" I demanded feeling my anger rise.

"So what if I am. That useless fairy with his worthless quirk has no place in this school."  The Fucker says in a mocking chuckle.

"No one talks shit about Izuku but me!" I shout charging at him. Sending an explosion at his face that a lizard skinned extra blocked. I go for another explosion at the fuckers when Shitty Hair and IcyHot pull me away from the losers.

"Fucking let me go! Fuck! I'm going to kill that bastard!"

"Katsuski! What the hell were you thinking! Izuku's still on your head!" Racoon Eyes yells at me reaching for the green fluff ball.

"Fucking leave him the fuck alone!" I yell my Alpha taking over as I get free of Shitty Hair and Half n half bitch.

"Don't fucking touch me Ice bitch!" I growled when he tried to stop me, reaching up and plucking Zuzu from my head by the scruff of his neck before Racoon Eyes took him and I fucking left.

Some extra tried taking him from me and I growled sending a small explosion their way. Izu meowing his discomfort and irritation the whole fucking time I walked with him to some dark corner in the fucking fake ass city, as far from the extras and cameras as I could get. I leaned against a building and slowly slid my way down until I was on my ass holding Zuzu close to my nose breathing in his intoxicating sweet scent.

His meows turned into a fucking adorable purr when I started petting him. I started feeling my Alpha retreat and my anger slowly returned to normal. Why the fuck does the nerd affect me so fucking much!? What the fuck am I doing! I could have hurt him! What the fuck was I thinking! Fuck! I look down at Izu refusing to let the burning sensation in my throat turn into tears. I look him over for injuries, I watch as his cat chest steadily rises and falls as he breathes. I can feel the soft vibration of his purring against my chest. His emerald eyes shut as he nuzzles into my neck with his tiny cat head.

When I saw no bloody splotches on his beautiful soft green fur, I finally relaxed. I close my eyes and let myself feel everything I've refused until now. The pain and loss of my parents. The heartache of knowing Izu may not ever love me. The fear of not being accepted. I feel it all. Soon Izu's purrs of happiness turned into concerned meows and then silence as his lavender and vanilla honeyed heat scent washed over me. I held him closer, taking all of his amazing Omegan scent.

He abruptly stopped his scent making my Alpha and I whine at the loss, until I heard the sound of approaching footsteps. I shoved Izu under my shirt as I sniffed the air for familiar scents. Shitty Hair's rock candy stench was the first to assault my nose then it was Pikachu's burnt plastic, the other extras followed soon after. All of them were yelling my name. They couldn't fucking find us. I smirk to myself knowing I found a blind spot in the cameras. Shitty Hair was the closest to my hiding spot so I waited.

"Bakubro! Where have you been!" He shouted, slinging his arm around me. I ignored him hoping my face didn't show what I was feeling.

"Bakubro? What's that sound?"

"How should I know shit for brains!" I shouted over Zuzu's growing purring from his spot against my chest. The vibrating of his purr has my Alpha and I wanting to join him. I shoved the feeling down and growled.

"Sorry bro." Shitty hair said, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Again I ignored him with my signature tch as we walked back to Round Face, Sonic, Ponytail and Racoon Eyes with some other extras were looking around on their hands and knees for something.

"Oi! What the fuck you looking for?" I yelled.

"Izuku!" Round face yells.

"Why the fuck you doing that?" I ask unconcerned.

"He's missing!"

"The fuck you mean missing? He's right fucking here!" I yelled, pulling a grumpy Izu from my shirt.

"If you had him the whole time then who did we see get taken?" Round face asks the extras.

"What the fuck you talking about Round Face!"

"She means this." Ponytail answered,  showing me a video of someone taking a green cat out of the gym. But this cat's fur was lighter and missing Izu's faint light green stripes.

"That ain't fucking Izu. The colors are fucking wrong. Right Nerd?" I asked the omega who made his way to my shoulder. He meows in agreement.

"See! Oi! Round face it's probably a stray. Let's kick some fucking ass!" I yell ready for a fight.

"It's not a fight,  Bakubro. It's a rescue."

"Alright everybody, I will explain how this is going to work. So listen up!" Bondage loudly instructs us.

Edit: January 2023

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