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I woke to the sound of heavy footsteps and voices racing upstairs and towards us. Hundreds of them. Without much thought I bit Kacchan's scent gland, knowing this would be the best and probably last chance for him to understand. Also it gave me more of a fighting chance. Kacchan woke with a curse that soon turned into a moan as I pulled away.

"Kacchan, we have uninvited guests." I tell him, attempting to stand.

"How many?" He asks, putting me behind him in a fighting stance.

"A hundred, maybe more. They seem to be arguing about something." I told him. Feeling adrenaline curse through my body as well as Kacchan's Alpha strength. I shift into my tiger form and stand beside my Alpha.

I nudged his hand so he'd pet me. Looking at me a split second before he nodded in understanding and pet my head just as our door burst open and thirty villains burst into the room surrounding us.

They smelled of fear and rage. Most of them are Alphas. A few beats. No omegas.

"Kukishoku, attack!" Kacchan ordered. Which I did with a roar as I swept my massive paw at a petrified Villain, knocking him into ten of his buddies. I heard Kacchan's explosions going off to my right so I focused on the ones that surrounded us. The part I found strange was that none of these villains were using quirks.

They all carried weapons. Baseball bats, knives, wooden planks with rusted nails in them and a few had guns.

Why are they not using quirks? I thought swiping at another villain that tried to attack me.

Nerd? My Alpha's voice drifted into my mind.

Kacchan? I thought, knocking villains out left and right.

Yes, Its me nerd. Now what the hell do you mean they aren't using quirks? I've got a shit ton that are.

Kacchan stop using your quirk. I tell him.

Why the fuck would I do that?!

Just trust me!

Fine. He lets off one final explosion before he starts beating them with his fists.
I crouch low and listen for any quirks from our opponents and find none. The ones around me have stopped moving.

Kacchan freeze! I shout finally figuring it out when I hear hushed voices down the hall.


Just do it!


Kacchan! It's a mirror quirk! They're not real! The real one is outside. I tell him finally finding the name for this quirk.

What? How?

I read about a villain that was really famous before All Might's time. The villain made copies of himself and sent them out to fight. Everytime a hero would fight with quirks the copy would create a quirk that would counter the quirk being used. They couldn't counter transformation or mutation quirks so the user gave the copies weapons to use against those types of heroes. They're weak against none quirk physical attacks, and once the user is down the rest deactivate. It's really quite interesting.

Nerd! I get it! Stop rambling and let's fucking go. He yells in my head. We make quick work of the copies as we race out of the room and down the halls. Kat exploded the mirror villain's face, knocking him unconscious as we ran out of the building. Looking around I realized that we were in a red light district in a town I didn't know, standing in front of the infamous House of Mirrors.

Kacchan? Why'd you bring us here?

"I don't fucking know! I don't fucking remember how we got here!" Kacchan yelled out loud, earning strange looks and gasps from the shady adults around us.

"What the fuck you looking at! Fucking extras!" He yelled.

Us Kacchan. Teenagers are not allowed in the red light district before we're eighteen.

"I am fucking eighteen!" He yelled.

Kacchan...your birthday is a month away. My eighteenth is two years away.

"Who fucking cares!" He shouted. Petting my head, to keep me in my tiger form longer.

"Kukishoku, let's go." He huffs walking away.

Yes, Alpha. I tease. Kat spins around and stares at me. His eyes burning with longing and something else. My omega shivers in want under his gaze.

Don't fucking say that, Izu. Kacchan's warning is clear. He's fighting with his Alpha right now and he's losing.

S-sorry Kacchan. I stutter my head low as I walk behind him.

"Kukishoku, come!" I speed up and walk beside him. He placed a warm hand on my head and started rubbing my ear between his fingers. I attempted to purr but it came out as a loud low, throaty sound that reverbeat off the buildings around us. Passerbys stopped to stare at us as we walked by. My head leaned into Kacchan's touch.

Where are we going Kacchan?

"How should I fucking know?"

What day is it?

"I dont fucking know!"

Let's find a phone.

Kacchan made a tch sound in response as we walked. Keeping our eyes and ears trained for anything out of the ordinary and a pay phone. A few hours of wondering later and we spotted a pay phone. He ran towards it as a civilian was walking to it. I felt myself slowly start shifting back.

Kacchan! Get back here! I am not reverting back in the middle of all these people! I shout he freezes and then turns back to me and sprints. He reaches me just before my paws revert to hands. He started petting me and my transformation reactivated.

"Stupid Nerd, stupid quirk time limit." Kacchan mumbled as he pets me.

We can go now. Just don't stop petting me. I told Kacchan as we walked to the pay phone to wait in line. I yawned while we were waiting, scaring the man on the phone who abruptly ended his phone call and ran.

"Fuck yeah, Kukishoku. " Kacchan chuckled as we walked forward.

"Who do we call?"

Mom, then we try to find our way home. After getting you a shirt. I hate how everyone looks at you. I growled at the end.

"Fine, whatever nerd." He responded, dialing my mom after finding a few cents in his pocket.

Edit: January 2023

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