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We ran with the girl until I couldn't hear, see or smell the other Alpha's evil aura and pheromones. Which is to say we ran about forty miles from the shopping center.

"Oi! Izu! I think we lost him." Kacchan yelled out of breath.

Another mile. I huff running up the hill towards the sound of people.

Kacchan! I found a village! Get up here! There freaking out. I yelled at him, as people crowded me and Eri. I gently picked her up off my back and placed her under my stomach as I crouched low over the girl growling and sneered at the people that got too close.

"Here kitty, kitty." One man called managing to get closer than the others. I swiped a paw at him and he dodged it. Kacchan! This could be trouble! Hurry up!

Oi! Nerd! I'm trying!

Use your quirk!

Oh right! I hear my alpha's explosions a few miles behind me, approaching rapidly. Someone tugs on my tail and I clawed at the perpetrator, tucking my tail under my body, pressing closer to Eri.

"Here pretty kitty." A woman calls getting closer. I swiped my paw at the woman and hit her, she fell into a few others who fled or fainted.

"People! Back off. The tigers protecting the girl! She won't hurt her." A young omega woman with long golden hair yelled at the crowd.

I'm a male. Thank you very much.


Nothing Kacchan. Just get here! There's an omega girl keeping the crowd at bay for now. But some of the Alpha's are getting tense. I tell him relaxing slightly but still growling as the girl blocks me from the closest civilians. The girl crouched down a few feet from my face and spoke.

"Hi, I'm Emily. My granny helps the people here. I won't hurt you. Or the girl. Can I pet you?" The girl stepped forward. Hand out presumably for me to sniff. Not wanting anyone to know I'm different. I sniffed the girls hand and relaxed a little more at her calming scent. The girl went to pet my head and I snapped at her. My pup. No touch! I growled

Nerd? What the fuck is going on?

Get your ass up here! This girl has a calming quirk! I yelled at Kacchan, hearing his explosions overhead. The girl flinched when I snapped at her but kept trying to pet me.

"Kukishoku! Sit!" Kacchan yelled, falling to the ground and landing in a hero pose between the girl and I. I did as he instructed, playing my part as an Alpha's pet. I kept Eri positioned between my front paws as I sat up, growling at anyone who came to close.

"Back the fuck up!" Kacchan yelled, setting off mini explosions, letting his Alpha pheromones leak out. The group dispersed except for a few Alphas and the omega girl that surprisingly fought off Kacchan's pheromones.

"Someone tell me what the fuck your doing to my fucking tiger and daughter!" Kacchan bellowed. Pissed.


Play along. It's all I could come up with.


"Kukishoku, come." Kacchan command, going through the show of me being his pet. I stood up and gently placed the scared Eri on my back with my tail as I walked to Kacchan, who immediately pet my head.

"Good boy." Kacchan praised. I couldn't help the happy tiger sound that came out of my mouth with the praise. Eri giggled a little at my sound.

Kacchan! She giggled!

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