Fucking Doctor Visit p2/2

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"How long has he been sick?" The doctor asked me when Izu fell asleep.

"Six days. I don't fucking remember his last heat so dont fucking ask."

"I can assume you're both sexually active?" The doctor asked, glancing at his notes.
I growled at him.

"I'll take that as a yes and order a blood and urine test for him. The blood test can be done, in here if you prefer not to wake him, or it could be done at the lab along with the urine test." The doctor says.

"Just do the stupid tests." I grumble holding my omega closer as he snuggled closer.

"Very well. Take this hall to your right and follow the signs to the laboratory." The doctor instructs. A silent nod to the doctor and we are heading to the Lab for his tests.

After a fucking long ass time Izu was called back. Waking him wasn't happening. So the lab tech took his blood while he slept. The needle prick woke him and he was able to do his last test without me. When he came back to me he looked exhausted. I scooped him up and walked back to his room with Cat chick and the brat waiting for us. I climbed back onto the bed this time laying down with Zuzu pressed to my chest, an arm around him.

Cat chick and Eri talk about something I don't care about as we wait for the doctor to return. A fucking long ass time later theres a knock at the door again and Cat chick let's him in.

"Could you wake Izuku?" The doctor asked. I growled at him before waking my sick omega.

"Let me sleep, Kacchan!" He yelled when he woke up.

"Izuku?" The doctor said drawing his attention.

"Yes?" He replied straddling my hips.

"Your pregnancy test came back positive and your blood test revealed that you are three weeks into your first trimester. Congratulations."

"What!" Izu yelled. I lay on the bed my mind blank except for one thought, I'm going to be a fucking dad. The Nerd starts hyperventilating and rambling like crazy. I release some calming pheromones and pull him back to me. His head on my chest so he can hear my heartbeat.

"Izuku, I'm right here." I cooed.

"Leave." I demand of those around us. Cat chick picks Eri up, who wants to stay, and pushes the doctor out of the door as I start a low purr as I stroke the omegas ears and rub his back. A while later his breathing evened out and he began to purr right along with me.

"Hey Izuku?"

"Yeah Kacchan?"

"Marry me?" Izu shot up and stared at me.

"What?!" He yelled. Holding his head.

"Hey, slow down Nerd." I pulled him back to me and started purring again.

"Kacchan, where not even eighteen yet! We're still in high school!"

"Zuzu, I didn't mean we get married right now. I meant after UA, before we became Pros, the summer before or the one after graduation would be cool."

"Kacchan! What are you saying!"

"Izuku, I'm saying I'm always going to be with you. No matter what." I tell him after pulling his head up to look him in right in those amazing Emerald eyes that see so much. Izu hugs me. After a few minutes of us hugging, I called for the doctor and Cat chick who brought the Brat in.

"Papa! Is Mama ok!" The brat asked jumping on us.

"Yeah brat. Mama's ok. You'll be a big sister soon." I tell her with a smile.

"Really!" Eri smiles

Are we keeping it or adoption?
Look at her, she's so happy. Of course we keep it. It's just going to be hard.

"Yes really. You'll be a big sister."

"Yay!" The brat shrieks and hugs me and then Izu.

"Wait! You two are keeping it?" Cat chick asked with disbelief on her face.

"Like fuck I'd let some fucking extra raise my kid!" I growl.

"What Kacchan said!" He agreed for once.

"Auntie Kitty! Isn't it great! I'm going to have a baby brother or sister! I'm going to have a family! I'm going to be a big sister!" Eri smiled dancing around the room.

"Izuku, these perceptions are for prenatal vitamins and other medications to help lessen your morning sickness. Take one every twelve hours as needed. The prenatals you are to take everyday. Also training and using your quirk could harm the baby in the second and third trimesters so don't. Here are some pamphlets for first time parents and what to expect as a teenage parent. Congratulations." The doctor tells us handing  my mate a slip of paper before he leaves us in the room.

"Well let's go home, Kacchan." Izu says, hopping off the bed and almost falling on his face.

"Fucking extra. Oi! Nerd be careful!"

"Right sorry, Kacchan." He straightens up and starts walking out of the door, a little pep in his step as he walks. I watch his ass move and tail swish side to side as he walks. "Kacchan, hurry up. I want to get home and start planning!" He said excitedly. I chuckled a little as I caught up to him. I wrapped my arm protectively around him, pulling him close, as we walked out the door and to Cat chick's car.

Edit: January 2023

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