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Stupid Izu. Stupid brat. Fucking hell. Stupid fucking tic tacs. Fuck! Fucking woods! There's nothing fucking out here!

"Fuck!" I shouted.

"Hey kid. Whatcha doing out here?" A blond extra in a cat costume asked popping up out of fucking no where.

"Fucking green tic tacs."

"These?" She holds up the tic tacs.

"Yes! Fuck." Blondie gets a blank look on her face before she tosses the fucking little green things in the air and runs off.

"Get back to the cabin!" She yells back. Confused but not complaining I head back to my Omega and the brat.

"Nerd. Brat! I'm back!"

"Shush! I just put her to bed. Now give me those tic tacs." Izu holds his hand out and I place the box in his hand.

"Thanks Kacchan." He kisses me and runs off to the bathroom.

"Nerd, what the fuck you doing?"

"Kacchan, can you go grab a ziploc bag for me." I don't answer but I do go to the kitchen and grab the ziploc. I bring it back and watch as Deku dumps the pills into the plastic bag and the tic tacs into the pill bottle. Then zips the pills into the bag he tucks it into a sweater pocket. Nerd puts the tic tacs back onto the shelf in the medicine cabinet and then leaves.

"Oi! Why the fuck you keep those?"

"Kacchan, we can have the pros look them over and flushing pills is wrong! It could hurt sea life. I'm putting these away. Now go sit on the couch. I'll be right there after I hide these."

"Why the fuck do I need to listen to you!"

"Kacchan.." he looks at me with an eyebrow raised and his eyes hold a warning. Hot.

"Fine." I sigh, going to sit on the couch, back facing the hallway. Fucking forever passed when he finally came and sat next to me.

"Oi! Why the fuck you so far away?" Izu sighs in response and scoots closer. I growl picking him up and putting the nerd onto my lap. He whines a little. I wrapped my arms around him and happy sighed.

"Oi! What's wrong?"

"Still a little sore from...everything." he sighs and nuzzles into me.

"Kacchan, what are we?"

"What the fuck you mean nerd?"

"We were childhood friends and classmates for years. Then we kissed, I went into heat, you claimed me and now we're here."

"I'm fucking sorry Izuku! We cant fucking take it back. Now what do we fucking do?"

"Kacchan, did you have any feelings for me before you claimed me?" He asked, his eyes holding hope and sadness.

Fucking hell! I cant fucking tell him I've loved him since we were fucking kids! That's too fucking weird! Hey Deku, how are you by the way I'm fucking in love with you. I've been in love with you for a fucking long ass fucking time. Oh by the way my gay ass has no one but you, i couldn't fucking tell you when we were kids so I fucking beat you. But I'm here now so it's ok?! Fucking pathetic! I don't fucking deserve him. I'm not fucking worthy. It's not ok! I'm just a fucking bully! Fucking hell!

"Oh Kacchan!" Zuzu suddenly yells, tears streaming down his face as he clings to me.

"Oi! What the fucks wrong?" I shout holding him.

"I love you too. I have since we were kids. You biting me that day when I was nine was the best day of my life! But then the worst when you pushed me away. I knew you never hated me Kacchan, but it still hurt. When things went back to normal I was so happy."

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