Shit Happens p1/2

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Why do I smell Izu? The darkness takes hold again.

He smells amazing! I need more! I'm lost to the darkness once more.

So warm. Smells fucking amazing. So fucking hot. Darkness holds me.

"Alpha! ~Awh~ Alpha more!" An angelic voice calls out to me. Hot and full of need. The scent is warm honey, lavender and vanilla; heavy with arousal. Something warm and wet grips my member tightly...sounds of skin pounding against skin in a heady lust filled dance.

"Yes Alpha! ~awh~ There! More Alpha!" The voice yells out, voice hot and heavy with lust and pleasure. Pride wells inside me. I'm pleasing my beautiful omega. This omega must belong to me and only me completely.

"Alpha! ~wah~ I'm close! ~awh~" the voice calls again, breathing heavy and erratic. "Not yet, omega." I order, the voice not my own but is familiar. Why do I know that voice?

I feel my balls swell and the familiar tingling sensation of my climax building, "Now, omega." I demand the omega beneath me, I bite his scent gland, as I release my load into the painting, moaning, gorgeous green haired omega male beneath me. Darkness takes me again.

"K-Kacchan?" A familiar voice calls out to me. The owner lays on my chest. Warm. Soft. Mine.

"K-Kacchan? W-what happened?" The voice asks. Zuzu? Is that Izu? Nerd! Keep fucking talking! Swimming through the murky blackness of my mind I claw and explode my way through.

"K-Kacchan? What happened?" He asked again, his voice coming in clearer now. Light. Blinding light. Then bright worried emerald eyes. My body aches and burns. Back and chest. Lips and dick sore. Did we fuck?

"K-Kacchan? What happened." He asks once more, voice full of worry as he clings to my chest. I look at him. His body is littered with love bites, hickeys, scratches, bruises and more.

The room smells heavily like sex, heat and rut. We fucked. I look around searching for a discarded condom but find none. Shit.

"Kacchan?" Izu looks at me with a red face.

"Did we?" He left the question unfinished and buried his blushing face into my neck.

"I think we did, Izu." I answered my throat sore and dry. Where are we? I think looking around and finding us in a gray walled room with mood lighting and a clear glass shower.

Are we in a love-hotel? How the fuck did we get here and when?

"Oi! Nerd, can you move?" I asked sitting up.

"N-no." The nerd blushes. I pull him closer and stand, holding him to my chest as I walk us to the shower, the cold air hitting our bare skin.

"Oi! Nerd, did I mark you?" I ask not looking at him as I turn the shower on warm, remembering how he hates water unless it's warm. I glance at him to see him slowly touch his scent glands. Wrenching in pain when his fingers graze them.

"Y-yeah. You did." Why does he sound happy? I ruined him for his mate. Shit! He's going to hate me now. Shit! Fuck! Hell! What do I do!


"I-I'm sorry Izuku." I tell him, gazing into his amazingly beautiful emerald eyes for probably the last time. I step us into the now warm shower and start washing Izu.

"Kacchan, don't apologize for it. I've been wanting you to finish the mark since we were kids." He says quietly, purring as I wash his delicate body.

"But what about your mate?" I ask, suddenly feeling jealous.

"Kacchan? Can I mark you?" Zuzu asks instead of answering me. Mark me? But that's bad. Isn't it? Mitsuki never let dad mark her. None of the Alpha's I've met have been marked by an omega. Why?

"Why?" I ask confused and excited.

"Kacchan, smell me. Is there anything different about me than another omega?" He asks, purring at my touch as I wash his hair.

So I sniff him. His scent is the same as always. Lavender and vanilla, comforting, inviting, home, mine. Mine? Where'd the honey scent go? His heat is over.

"Well Kacchan?"

"You smell nice. Really fucking nice." I answered with a smile and low growl. He sighs.

"Kacchan, let me mark you. Please." Izu asks again, a hint of a plea in his voice.

"Fine." I sigh and rinse the shampoo and conditioner out of Zuzu's soft hair.

"Thank you Kacchan." He squealed happily, giving me a weak hug. He yawns, apparently still tired from what we did or didn't do. What did we do? He has so many marks all over his body. Every muscle, every line, every curve and dip of his perfectly fit and beautiful smooth dialect yet deadly body has been thoroughly ravished by my rut driven self.

"Zuzu, this may hurt a little." I whisper letting instinct guide me in the care of my new omega mate. I gently bend him over my legs and insert one finger into his cum filled hole.

"K-Kacchan. That h- aww h-hurts" he cries out.

"I'm sorry Nerd, just a little longer, you're doing great." I praised him as I cleaned out the last of the long dried cum. When I was done cleaning him out I slowly pulled my finger out and then pulled him to my chest, holding him. The water started to run cold so I turned the water on hotter and quickly washed myself off letting my omega bask in the heat and steam from my shower.

Turning off the water I grab two towels and wrap Izu in the fluffiest and softest of the two. I watched as he adorably nuzzled into the thick fabric, drying off. When I was dry I helped him stand, only to carry him back to the bed when his legs buckled under him. Damn I must be good. I smirk. "Kacchan you better not be thinking about it."

"Thinking what, Nerd?" I wink at him and he blushes. I placed him on a couch, I tossed my shirt at him as I got to work, stripping the bed and putting a clean sheet I found in a small closet onto the bed. As I was redoing the bed I spotted my gym shorts laying on the ground. I picked those up and slid them on, not cairing to find a pair of fucking boxers.

When the bed was made I carried the Nerd to the bed with me. I laid on my back as he slept on my chest. Where are we? Where the fuck is our stuff? What the hell happened? What fucking day is it?! Why the fuck are we here!? Where the fuck is here?!

"Kacchan." The sleepy omega purrs as he snuggles closer, shivering, must be cold. I reach over to the floor to grab a bright green soft felt blanket. Where the fuck did that come from? I sniffed it, it smells like Izu. Shrugging I placed the blanket over him and let sleep claim me.

Edit: January 2023

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