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Bakugou's tummy was upset he had been playing but he didn't get why he felt bad he sat down and rubbed his tummy and whined "ick!" He looked at Kirishima and gave him a pathetic look almost like a hurt puppy. Kirishima felt a little stab in his heart almost. He looked at the boy who was sweating and breathing heavily. He was feeling all gassy and burped he wasn't feeling well

"Oh hun what could have caused this?" Bakugou looked at him "I don know maybe I drank milky to fast?" Kirishima blinked "oh sweet fudge! sweetheart I have to call your Mom" Bakugou pointed the his pocket and so Kirishima pulled out Bakugous phone and unlocked it and called Bakugou's mom.

"Hello! This is Kirishima I'm really sorry for bothering you but I'm vaguely remembering something you told me about Bakugou about him getting sick from something?" Kirishima felt super bad "so uh I gave him milk-" he was stopped in his tracks by Bakugous mom giving a loud curse word "Oh hun! He's lactose intolerant sweetie it's not your fault uh he might be a little sick he tends to forget that he's intolerant and drinks it anyway" Kirishima sighed that naughty baby drinking it even if it makes him sick. "Thank you" Bakugous mom smiled "you should come over soon Kirishima and considering you called me on my phones son I can only assume he finally asked you out treat him well" She hung up leaving a flustered and now worried all at once.

"Bakugou you knew you were lactose intolerant and still drank milk?!" Kirishima had two fingers under the boys chin holding his face up. "It tastes yummy! I thought it be ok" Bakugou whimpered and teared up his eyes glossy as he felt his bloated tummy it hurt! He sniffled as Daddy dried him off and changed him and then packed up "we have to go home because you need rest and I have to get you some medicine to make you feel better"  Bakugou kept quiet and held onto Kirishima "there will be no more milky for you it makes you sick we can go shopping to try and find a drink for you that we can substitute milk with. I'm thinking smoothies or tea? Maybe Banana milk I heard it's good and it's perfectly ok since there is no actual milk in it" Bakugou looked up Banana milk sounded icky and so did tea but Kirishima wasn't gonna let him have milk he sighed it wouldn't hurt to try.

Bakugou was given a warm bath some medicine and laid in his crib while Kirishima went to the store to get Lactose medicine and drinks for the boy to try in replacement for milk. He put everything except the tea in the fridge the smoothies were very thin and fruit and veggie flavored the label had gmo free, vegan and said it was ok for lactose intolerant people. Kirishima smiled he had gotten a whole lot of tea and sugar cubes and packets that he had spent thirty minutes researching them. He put everything away and checked on Bakugou the boy was laying on his tummy and then the smell hit the boy he picked the boy up and checked the bed no vomit and then Thats when Kirishima turned on the light and Laid Bakugou on the changing mat he would start to save up to get a changing table. He then took the onesie off and then gave a slight coo "poor baby"

The boys diaper was very full his mess had run on his back and down his thigh "oh your tummy was really upset see this is why you should have told me you were lactose intolerant" Bakugou turned red and his eyes glassed over as he began to cry he hated how his tummy hurt and the mess he made he felt awful! He also had told Daddy he didn't need diapers! He had understood the swim diaper and had been to little to care now he was a bit bigger and didn't want the diapers "no diaper" he sobbed as Daddy placed him in the tub and then began to wipe him clean and use hot water to get him washed up. Kirishima has cleaned most of the mess out of the tub "My poor baby firework" Bakugou lost it at that he broke out in heart wrenching sobs he was heartbroken he was so very upset he sobbed tears ran down his face and his eyes started turning red as he did so.

Kirishima let him cry it was perfectly ok to cry and the boy had every reason to cry he was in pain for drinking milk when he was lactose intolerant Kirishima took full responsibility but he had forgotten and Bakugou hadn't said anything. Kirishima washed the boys whole body before taking him out and drying him "oh my sweet firecracker" Bakugou buried his face in Kirishima's chest he had felt way better waking up but it was because his body had gotten rid of the milk in his system in a not pleasant way. He sniffled as he felt Kirishima put on another diaper he kept quiet it felt like a little safety it was soothing to be babied he felt a warm blanket wrap him up he was picked up and held close to Kirishima who then took him to the living room "ok watch some cartoons we are gonna start with some tea to help with that tummy of yours some soothing Green tea or would you prefer peppermint?" Bakugou sniffled "Peppymin peas" Kirishima smiled and then went to the kitchen.

Kirishima used Bakugous least favorite bottle because it was all that was left it had been given to him a while back before he met Bakugou and it had little horses all over it and it was a blue color he poured the hot water in half way and then added the tea he let it seep and then filled the rest with cold water he tested it and smiled perfect it was warm but not burning he then walked over to Bakugou he was curled in the blanket he was messing with the necklace Kirishima gave him it was his favorite thing and yet it was interesting because out of everything that Kirishima got him he didn't have some sort of comfort item it was the necklace he reached over putting the red paci in his mouth he kept fidgeting with it and rubbing it was fun to feel how smooth it was and poking his finger into the tip he had always heard that littles had stuffed animals or blankets as comfort items but he liked the necklace over anything he never took it off it was special.

Kirishima watched him "I know you hate this bottle but it's all that's left I have to wash the rest" Bakugou nodded he was in a mood one which he was to tired to argue and only wanted some love he nodded and crawled into Kirishima's lap silently and then opened his mouth a little and made a click like noise trying to signal what he wanted.

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