How you and the pt celebrate spoopy month

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Aries- dress up and go trick or treating with ryuji and futaba

Taurus- create spooky memes with futaba

Gemini- throw a spooky party with ann, haru, and kasumi

Cancer- draw spooky things with yusuke

Leo- play spooky games with joker, ryuji and futaba

Virgo- go to bed because morgana doesn't let you go trick or treating with aries, ryuji, and futaba

Libra- pick out halloween costumes for the trick or treaters with ann and makoto

Scorpio- makes halloween decorations with ann, joker, and yusuke

Sagittarius- reads spooky novels with makoto and akechi

Capricorn- watches spooky anime with futaba

Aquarius- binges candy with kasumi weeks before halloween even happens

Pisces- makes spooky food with makoto and joker

hey so sorry that there was no update last week, i've been busy with packing stuff and schoolwork and just a general lack of creativity. oh and hey! we've hit 2k reads so that's pretty cool?

what are you going to do for spooky month? if you're dressing up, what are you going as?

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