Chapter 10

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Donnie's POV:

Gwen and Morgan have been traiing with us for a few weeks now. I do a few check ups every now and help them build back muscle the have lost from recovery.

I've been trying to get them to use every weapon we have so they can get a feel of other weapons. My brothers, Master Splinter, and I are also trying to see which weapon would be better for them to use.

"Donniieee!" Morgan sang while skipping to me. I chuckled a little bit before responding

"Okay what needs fixed or what do you want/ need?" She laughed at what I said which made me smile. When ever she smiles or laughs (which is all the time) is like when someone yawns. It's contagious.

"Wow.... you really get bugged a lot huh?"

"Yes i do now what do you need?"

" I was wondering... since me and Gwen have been training and know how to use the weapons properly.. that maybe..just maybe wecouldgotopsidewithyouguys!" She said the last part so fast that I didn't under stand what she was saying "what did you say? On the last part."

"Oh.. umm could me and Gwen go topside with you guys!"

"Morgan.  You know you haven't been training for that long an.." i was cut of by Morgan. "B-but please!!" She begged while sticking her lower lip out, getting on her knees and giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"No don't do that. Wait what did Leo say?"

"You ask a lot of questions.  And he said to ask you! Since you will probably think this threw a little more and know what weapons me and Gwen should use."

"Hmmmm. OK you win. Just be careful."  I sighed knowing that even if I did say no she wouldn't leave me alone. She squealed with joy then kissed me on the cheek before running to go tell Gwen. As Morgan was running she stopped dead in her tracts then looked me "Thank you Donnie!" I laughed then walked into my lab.

Gwen's POV:

"Gwen! Gwendolyn! Gwenners! JoGwen! Guess what, guess what, guess what." I turned around to see My cousin running into my room with a big grin on her face that showed her gap in her teeth.

"Morgan calm yourself! And a whale fell on our school and it will take ten years to build again!" I said with a little bit of hope on the whole whale destroying our school thing.

"Ha I wish. But no.... something better... WE GET TO GO TOPSIDE WITH THE GUYS!"  

"YES!! I'm so happy I could eat a whale!" I started to laugh but when I looked at Morgan she was just staring at me.

" What is up with you and whales today!?"

"I really do not know." We both laughed then got ready to go topside.

☆~later in the day around dark out on a rooftop~☆

Morgan's POV:

New York was so beautiful at twelve o'clock at night. There wasn't as many people as there are in the day time but the criminals were everywhere during the night. A few hours have past and we stopped a bank robbery,  some purple dorks, and a gang beating up on a two girl that looked about our age. The shorter girls name was Emma. She had medium length light brown curly hair, with baby blue eyes, and a few freckles. She was around Gwens hight but a little taller.  I would say about 5 foot and 5 inches.  She was also pale. The other girl was 5 foot 8 inches. She had shoulder length blonde silky hair with bangs going over her left eye. She had blue eyes, and she has braces along with glasses that looked really cute on her. She told us that her name was Charlie.

We talked to the girls for a little bit before getting there numbers so the can text us incase they are ever in trouble.  But I did notice that Donnie and Mikey blushed a little while talking to the girls. I also noticed they didn't really freak out when they saw they guys. Which made me like them even more.

We went back to the rooftops to check for anything suspicious before heading home. As we were walking I felt like someone was following us. But every time I turned around I saw nothing.

"Guys I'm gonna go check something really fast." As I said that I started to walk towards a storage unit that was on top of the roof we were on. When I peeked around the corner i saw nothing so i started go head back.

I winced as i felt a sharp pain go threw my neck. I reached to where it hurt and discover a tranquilizer dark was in my neck.

The last thing I remember was seeing Gwen look at me before I hit the ground.

Gwen's POV:

Morgan said that she was going to go check something out. After about a minute of everyone waiting i decided to head over to where she went. When I got there i was her pull something out of her neck, then she looked at me and blacked out. I caught her in time then gently laid her down.

I was about to turn around to tell the guys what happened until i saw something on the ground. I picked it up and saw a faint mark that said TCRI on it. who is dumb enough to put there name on a tranquilizer dart. Well I guess they are. I thought to myself

I then felt a sharp pain go threw my neck. I pulled the dart out and realized that I was also shot by it. The last thing I remember seeing before I blacked out was two foot bots carrying me and Morgan off the rooftop and being thrown into a big van.

Hey guess sorry for the crapy chapter I have been having writers block and can't come up with any ideas lately. Hope you liked it anyways

Please comment ideas if u have any for later in the future or just vote!

Love you all!


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