Chapter 13

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Donnie's POV:

I have been working nonstop with Morgan trying to figure out why she didn't mutate like Gwen. It was about 4 a.m. and we both never stopped working. I would have her do exercise to see if something would happen if she kept her heart rate up, but nothing did.

I felt like I have tried everything. I started to feel worthless. How will I be able to tell Morgan that I haven't found out what has happened.  I didn't even get a single hint on what has happened to her but I'm not gonna give up now.

"Donnie y-you look....... t-tired. Maybe we should.... go to b-bed." Morgan said while yawning.

"No I'm fine r-really. You can go to bed I'm just gonna be up for a little bit." I admit I was tired but im not going to sleep tell I find out what happened.

"Okay I-I'll stay... With you." Morgan yawned again but I knew nothing I could say would make her go to bed.

A couple more hours have gone by. Morgan brought a few cups of coffee for the both of us. I said thanks to her and she just nodded then got comfy on  the lab chair I gave her to sit in. It was about 7 a.m. and Leo came in the lab. Probably to see where Morgan was.

"Hey Don how's everything going?" Leo asked while rubbing his eyes.

"Uhh..... I don't know why I can't find out what happened. I'm sorry Leo I've been doing everything I just.." i was cut off by Leo.

"It's okay Donnie. Maybe we just need to wait and see what happens." He said while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks big bro. Well I'll do more research latter i should probably head of to bed then work when i wake up." I sighed Morgan was right i should have fine to bed when she told me to and Leo was also right maybe i should just wait it out. Wait Morgan was with me the whole time last night. Did she fall asleep?

I looked over at Leo and saw that he was picking her up carefully so he wouldn't wake her.  I felt bad she didn't have to stay up with me all night. "Hey I'm gonna go take her to bed. I suggest you go to bed also." Leo whispered to me. I nodded and went in my room to sleep.  Right when my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.

Leo's POV:

I know Don feels bad but man did he look like a wreck. His eyes were blood shot and he had bags under his eyes, he was a really pale green,  and he wouldn't really look at me he was so focused on the computer.  I don't think he even noticed that Morgan fell asleep on a chair right next to him.

That must have been a really uncomfortable way to sleep. But I do hope she is alright and that Donnie can find out what happened to her. But for now they both needed sleep.

☆~ a few hours later~☆

Still Leo's POV :

I was sitting with Gwen and Raph on the couch. Mikey was making food for everyone and Donnie woke up and left to go do some more research. Morgan was still asleep.

"Does Donnie know what happened to Morgan yet?" Gwen asked me. I lowered my head and looked at the ground and shook my head no in response. Gwen put a hand on my shoulder, then I heard her sigh. "I hope she is alright. She looks fine but who knows what could happen." I heard Gwen say to herself. Man I hope we find out what happened soon.

Morgan's POV:

I woke up In Leo's bed. Hmm i thought I was in the lab. I guess Donnie or Leo might have carried me here. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 2:30 p.m. How could i sleep that late... oh ya i went to bed at like seven in the morning. Hehe.

I got out of bed and headed towards the closet so i could change. I wore my favorite blue Hawaii shirt and shell bracelet from Hawaii. Then I changed into some jean shorts. I put my hair up in a messy bun then pun a white headband on and walked out to the living room.

Right when I walked out of the room i smelled bacon. I LOVE BACON! and to make it better there was blue berry pancakes out. Everyone was already at the table eating but they all stopped when the saw me. I waved at them and they smiled before going back to eating. Leo walked up behind me and gave me a backwards hug before we walked to the table.

"Hey guys. Why are we having breakfast at 3 p.m?" 

"Because I wanted to make you something since you missed breakfast so i made brunch." Mikeys said while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Aw thaks Mikey." I smiled at him and he did the same back.

"Hey where's Donnie?" I asked getting a bit curious to why he isn't here.

"He wanted to research more." Raph said while playing with his food before taking a bite or of it.

"Oh....okay. Thanks Raph." With that said i dished up a plate of food and walled towards Donnie's lab. I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. "Come in" I heard Donnie say.

"Hey Don. I brought you some food." He smiled and took the plate of food.

"Thanks" He said before taking a bite

i smiled  "No problem. How's research going?"

His smile went away when i asked him but he just shrugged "It's not bad but i haven't gotten any answers yet." He looked at the plate of food and started to play with it. 

"Well do you need any help? Or maybe another blood sample?"

"Ya maybe another blood sample will be good. Sit down and I'll get started."

I nodded and did add i was told. He got out a needle and this time drew some blood out from my arm. A few more minutes later he out a small drop off blood under the microscope and studied it for a little. After a little bit of looking at the boys sample he looked at me then went to his computer and punched in some data about the resent blood sample.

He spun his lab chair around then looked at me.

"So you do have mutagen in you and you are a mutant. But your not like any mutant i have ever seen."

"What do you mean?" I tried to hide the facts thay i wad scared but i think he already knew i was.

"Well you have a few hidden abilities like powers but no one knows what they are or how dangerous they could be. I've done test on Gwen and all she is is a mutant cat."

"So i have powers?"



ISorry for the long and sorta crapy chapter but hey Morgan has powers. And who knows what will happen next. Dunn Dunn duuunnnnn.

Love you guys


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