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*I wanna apologize for posting 26 without posting 25 first!! Idk what the fuck I was on lol💀

Riddle 27: I'm found in socks, scarves, and mittens; and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I??

Xen Michaels
*monday/ at work*

"Let's go Michaels! We have a group of bridesmaids coming for a relaxing massage day in 10! We need to set up everything!"

My coworker, Rick, said coming into the break room where I was at.

"Nah I'm on break and it just started you're gonna have to get Stacy or Reginae to help cause I can't."

I had been working here for 3 months now and I can honestly say they really rush you with learning how to properly give massages. I don't think I'm ready but they don't care, as long as the patients sign the paperwork,  basically saying you can't sue if something were to happen, they don't care just how "good" you really are at the job which bothers me because this is a really good looking place and rather they can sue or not, if word got out that this place was giving out awful, unsafe massages and shit, they could get shutdown. Plus the employees are actually nice to the customers and it's very fancy too.

"Come on man! You know I don't like being around Stacy and Rachael isn't here today."

I shrugged and decided not to say anything else. I really didn't see the point in talking about something I had already set my mind on. We get 30 minutes or a hour break depending on the day, yea I know weird but Tim ain't really got no common senses but anyways today was my hour long break and I wasn't wasting it helping Rick, especially when I didn't wanna be around anyone.

"Come on man! Come help!"

Breathe in

Breathe out

"Are you for-real right now!?"

I balled my fist up. That "breathe in, breathe out" bullshit isn't fucking working!


"You for-real?"

I just continued to scroll on Twitter, ignoring him.

"That's really fucked up! I would have hel-"

I set my phone down, cutting him off. I looked up and over at like he was crazy.

"Can you shut the fuck up!? Like for-real! Why the fuck would I help you when I'm on my damn break? Bitch are you stupid or dumb? I don't know how y'all work and help each other but I'm not the one. This my hour break and I use it to my advantage just like you would if it was your break. You don't like her that's not my problem, it sounds like a personal problem! We're at a job and we have to work rather we like each other or not! Shit you think I would be talking to you if I really didn't have too? Cause I wouldn't. You're annoying as fuck and the only reason why you don't like Stacy is because she wouldn't let yo dusty ass fuck, fuck outta here with all that bullshit and leave me the hell alone!"

I snapped. I didn't mean to but I was hot and the fact that I haven't talked to Elva all week and early I saw her post a picture looking sexy as hell is just blowing me. Cause like damn it's just fuck me uh? I was just about to get back on Twitter when my phone started ringing.

Cherry🙄💀 would like to FaceTime...

I looked at my phone wondering how the fuck she got my number and why the fuck did I have hers. I didn't even know her. I wasn't gonna answer but decided why not. So I clicked the green button.

"H-h-hey Xen."

I was surprised to see Elva pop up in my page.

"Elva? Why haven't  you been answering my fucking calls and facetimes? I've been worried about you!"

"I-I'm sor-sorry, my d-dad too-took my pho-phone so I wou-wouldn't be ab-able to tex-text you. It was To-Tori's idea."

She said slowly putting her head down, making me frown and shake my head.

"I've missed you girl."

She lifted her head smiling and I couldn't help but smile right now.

"I-I've mis-missed yo-you too and gro-group ther-therapy sessi-sessions don't co-come fast enough."

She said playing in her hair.

"Let's hang out today then."

I tried to act cool but in the inside I was happier than a motherfucker.

"I-I-I do-"

"Yes she can hang out with you tonight!"

Cherry said snatching the phone from Elva.

"Ch-cherry! My da-dad woul-wouldnt l-let me!"

"Girl please he doesn't have to know. You will just say you're coming over my house to study for a test and then you can go hang out with him and after y'all done he can bring you back to my place. "

"Alright that'll work, Cherry you're going have to take her home so she can ask since they took her phone away."

"Alright bet but we gotta get back to class bye rudeness."

Before I could say anything she hung up the phone making me smack my teeth.

But I smiled thinking about being able to see my Elva tonight.

906 words...

Riddle 27 answer: Yarn

Whew Chile, y'all think Elva gonna go through with it??
Who was wrong Rick or Xen??

And I  don't know if I've said this or not but Xen doesn't have a college degree just a high diploma. But he got the job at Tim's Rub down, which is a massage therapy place. I know you probably need a degree for this but we just going to act like you don't cause it just a fiction book. It's not that deep!!

Chapter made: October 26,2020
Chapter published: October 28,2020
Edited published date: January 9,2021

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